Turns out that the source for the info about improper questions being asked by Jeb Bush's people of potential state court judges is the very respectable Miami Daily Business Review, and the article—complete with quotes attributed to local lawyers by name—is online at law.com. (Snagged from CalPundit.)
The quotes did not appear in a written questionaire, and weren't state-level, but rather were asked in oral interviews by county-level interviewing committee members.
Here are some choice quotes from an interview with the source of many of those questions, Rev. O'Neal Dozier, pastor of the fundamentalist Worldwide Christian Center in Pompano Beach, and one of the Broward County members of the Judicial Nomination Commission:
“This country is founded on the principles of Christianity, not the principles of Buddhism, not the principles of Judaism,” the South Florida Sun-Sentinel quoted him as saying Nov. 30, 2003. “I don't believe the developers of the Constitution would want us to compromise our Christian values.”
Dozier is vehemently opposed to homosexuality, which he called in the Nov. 27, 2003, issue of New Times Broward Palm Beach “something so nasty and disgusting that it makes God want to vomit.”
Dozier said he has received complaints from “atheists” who heard about his line of religiously oriented questioning during JNC interviews. But he argues that religion belongs on the bench. “There is no such animal as separation of church and state in the Constitution,” he said.
And this is the guy Jeb Bush nominates, then re-nominates, to help pick judges.