I Need A Research Assistant

If any law students from UM are reading this, I need a research assistant for the summer. Contact me by e-mail, or drop off a copy of your transcript (unofficial copy is fine), a c.v. and a short writing sample (non-legal is fine). Ideally I'd want 10-20 hours of your time per week (the exact amount is negotiable). If you need more hours, I might be able to put a package together with another professor.

The miserly wage rate is set by the University, but some of the tasks, primarily research, may be interesting; there's also some blue booking, but not too much. If you have computer skills, that's a plus but not a requirement. You could probably do a fair amount of the work from home, but you should expect to be on campus at least once a week.

If it works out, we might continue the arrangement into next year. First year students are especially encouraged to apply.

(If students from elsewhere are reading this, I'm sorry but our RA money is earmarked for our own students.)

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2 Responses to I Need A Research Assistant

  1. Pingback: Brad DeLong's Semi-Daily Journal (2004)

  2. Katherine says:

    for a moment, I was really hoping… and then I thought: why should I want to move to Miami when I can get West Nile much more easily where I am? 😉


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