This is odd. When I point Firefox at MS-NBC, I get this:
Network Error
Unable to read URL from host Not in GZIP format
But if I try to visit the site with IE6, it comes up just fine.
And yes, I tried it several times.
Is this a Firefox problem, a very very unlikely coincidence, or is MS-NBC blocking a non-MS browser.
Update: I only have this problem on the win98se machine, not on the win XP machine, which suggests it's something local. But it's very odd.
Weird, but if it were a MSFT conspiracy, it seems more likely that IE would not block you from accessing CNN, etc., rather than that MSNBC would block non-IE browsers . . . .
My firefix waltzes right in. Not sure why yours doesn’t work.
My Firefox (v0.8) works fine as well.