It's all too much. Something good (in the partially offsetting sense) could yet come of this, but I don't think the political will exists to make it happen. It is now evident that the administration was on notice about the Iraqi prison abuses for months, and did nothing. It is certain that it at least negligently allowed it to happen in the first place, and appears likely it at least tacitly encouraged it. The reaction in Washington? Wait for the next in order to decide whether to bay-for-the-head-of/fire Rumsfeld.
- Boing Boing, US torturers made screensavers out of atrocity photos
- Making Light, User base persistence
I have to quote the conclusion:And now, a list: The Nine Ways of Being an Accessory to Another’s Sin.
1. By counsel.
2. By command.
3. By consent.
4. By provocation.
5. By praise or flattery.
6. By concealment.
7. By partaking.
8. By silence.
9. By defense of the ill done.Anybody feel like keeping score?
- Talking Points Memo, various sorts of abuse are endemic throughout the American prison system
- Risks Digest, Risks of prisoner abuse vs. digital cameras
- The American Street, The Story of Little George
- Approximately Perfect, Meanwhile, in the Alternate Universe … (via Eschaton)
- Better Angels of our Nature, There Is No Honor
And, on a somewhat related note: David Neiwert issues a Media Revolt Manifesto.