Even judges get fan sites? Well, at least one witty, intelligent, highly readable, and arch-conservative judge does: The Unofficial Judge Alex Kozinski Site (spotted via Tim Bishop)
What's next, a fan club?
Oh, wait, maybe there is one.
Even judges get fan sites? Well, at least one witty, intelligent, highly readable, and arch-conservative judge does: The Unofficial Judge Alex Kozinski Site (spotted via Tim Bishop)
What's next, a fan club?
Oh, wait, maybe there is one.
Yeah, but that’s a bunch of lawyers, judges and political types. Aaron and I are software geeks
How many lawyers besides Lessing have fans from that world? In any case, thanks for the link re Judge Kozsinski.
About your email woes: I have been following your analysis of the torture memos with great interest, and would love to repay you for your hard work with a gmail invite. I have one, and if you want it it is yours — just send me an email at my blogging email address, geodog at cyberdude dot com.
P.S. I was insterested in your recommendation of William Twining’s class — I must be one of the few non-lawyers in the world with a copy of Anderson and Twining’s Analysis of Evidence, although I can’t claim that I have read it cover to cover. I am an old friend of Terry Anderson’s and spent six months at U. Miami working on the Hastings case — if you get a chance say hi to him for me.