The story has been bouncing around the web for months, but the New Republic has now brought it out into the mainstream. It seems that after two plus years of passivity in the hunt for Bin Laden, and chasing after mirages in the Iraqi sands, the Bush administration has been telling the government of Pakistan repeatedly and in strong terms that it would like a July Surprise—a capture of one or more major Al Qaeda figures, ideally timed to take all the air out of the Democratic convention.
Yes, it's nice that the administration is finally getting serious about catching the real villains, although it's rather late. And yes, it is rage-inducing that nothing, simply nothing, is too significant, or a matter of national honor, to be twisted and sullied by Rovian manipulation.
If the US has indeed pressured a foreign government in the hopes that their capture of a major national enemy should be delayed, or timed, so that this administration could milk it for domestic political gain, I am prepared to discuss whether we should amend the Constitution to reinstate the punishment of corruption of blood so we can apply it to the Bush clan.
I’ve said it elsewhere, but it bears repeating: what price will the Pakistanis in the tribal regions pay for this upcoming “success”? Given the tremendous pressure the Pakistani government is under and the “major non-NATO ally” stuff flowing their way, is there any doubt the ISI will pull out all the stops for this? And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what that will mean for anyone their suspicion falls upon…
All this, just to sustain Bush’s craziness. Is there anything they won’t do to win? I sure hope the Dems have their legal teams ready for November…
It is one thing to pressure the Pakistnis to deliver here, quite another for them to be able to deliver.
Bin Laden, Al Zahairi and Omar have been most wanted for two years, capturing them is going to be at least as difficult as capturing the unabomber or Eric Rudolf. It is very difficult to get someone once they have been allowed to go to ground for such a long time.
The time to get Bin Laden was immediately after the invasion of Afghanistan when the whole country was under control. Instead the resources were shifted to focus on the invasion of Iraq.
No amendments are necessary: the President’s plenary powers as Commander in Chief allow him during wartime to suspend the prohibition against corruption of blood.
Is there anything they won’t do? Probably not.
Yes, the Dems better have their legal teams hopped up on Starbucks and Krispy Kremes come November. But I’m starting to worry that all the legal teams on earth won’t be able to contest an election that doesn’t happen.
I comfort myself with the thought that our armed forces swore to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And then I realize that Bush and their cronies swore a similar oath to preserve protect and defend the Constitution, and that the military votes heavily Republican…
As far as Corruption of Blood, these cretins have almost dismantled our Constitution, it would feel nice to permanently block their return to power. But to help them complete the job simply to punish them is going too far. But maybe I’m just too nice. I say chain them up, stuff them in the back of a C130, strap a chute on them, kick them out over the Hague. Let the ICC do its thing.