Monthly Archives: September 2004

I Hate It When She’s Right (III)

The facts in the column may be substantively cribbed from innumerable blogs, but it has that trademark Dowd cattiness. And, oh yes, it's so true:

Dance of the Marionettes: It's heartwarming, really.

President Bush has his own Mini-Me now, someone to echo his every word and mimic his every action.

For so long, Mr. Bush has put up with caricatures of a wee W. sitting in the vice president's lap, Charlie McCarthy style, as big Dick Cheney calls the shots. But now the president has his own puppet to play with.

All last week in New York and Washington, Prime Minister Ayad Allawi of Iraq parroted Mr. Bush's absurd claims that the fighting in Iraq was an essential part of the U.S. battle against terrorists that started on 9/11, that the neocons' utopian dream of turning Iraq into a modern democracy was going swimmingly, and that the worse things got over there, the better they really were.

Every time the administration takes a step it says will reduce the violence, the violence increases.

Mr. Bush doesn't seem to care that by using Mr. Allawi as a puppet in his campaign, he decreases the prime minister's chances of debunking the belief in Iraq that he is a Bush puppet – which is the only way he can gain any credibility to stabilize his devastated country and be elected himself.

Actually, being the president's marionette is a step up from Mr. Allawi's old jobs as henchman for Saddam Hussein and stoolie for the C.I.A.

It's hilarious that the Republicans have trotted out Mr. Allawi as an objective analyst of the state of conditions in Iraq when he's the administration's handpicked guy and has as much riding on putting the chaos in a sunny light as they do. Though Mr. Allawi presents himself as representing all Iraqis, his actions have been devised to put more of the country in the grip of this latest strongman – giving himself the power to declare martial law, bringing back the death penalty and kicking out Al Jazeera.

Bush officials, who proclaim themselves so altruistic about bringing liberty to Iraq, really see Iraq in a creepy narcissistic way: It's all about Mr. Bush's re-election.

The only odd thing is that Dowd is surprised. With this crowd everything is about their re-election. It's part of why they are so dangerous. With the Reaganites you frequently believed that large swatches of policy might actually be dictated by some crazed belief they were good for the nation (not environmental policy, and arguably not Stockmanomics, but much defense and foreign policy at least).

The effort required for any well-informed person to hold that belief about this lot is much more than mere cognitive dissonance could describe. It needs at least a Marcuse to encompass it.

Posted in Iraq | 5 Comments

WashPo Series on Being a High School Gay in the Bible Belt

The headline to the first article in this Post series seems ill-chosen. Entitled In the Bible Belt, Acceptance Is Hard-Won, the article describes a Kansas Oklahoma that is still very much in Toto's Kansas — one in which acceptance for a gay teenager is in fairly short supply, and the threat of violence in school is all too real.

There's bigotry here. Some of it is well-meaning — Michael Shackelford's mother fears

that Michael's eternal life was at stake. Janice feared that Michael would go to hell and be apart from her in the afterlife. “I'm afraid I won't see him again,” she says, her voice breaking.

But some of the bigotry is not at all well-meaning, and it drives Michael Shackelford out of high school in his sophomore year.

Looks to be a great series.

[Update: sorry about that…I let my Toto's Kansas metaphor run away with me there…]

Posted in Readings | 3 Comments

Who the Terrorists Want to Win, and Why

Even prior to his recent Satanic endorsement, GW Bush picked up plaudits of a sort from the next-most-evil source: active terrorists, in this case the group that is thought to be responsible for the Madrid train bombings:

The statement tells Americans that Abu Hafs al-Masri supports the re-election of President George W. Bush. "We are very keen that Bush does not lose the upcoming elections," it said. Addressing Bush, it said: "We know that a heavyweight operation would destroy your government, and this is what we don't want. We are not going to find a bigger idiot than you."

Source: International Herald Tribune (Mar. 18, 2004). Spotted via Needlenose.

Posted in Politics: US: 2004 Election | 1 Comment

Is There Any Point In Talking to Nader?

Tuesday, September 28, 4 p.m., Bill Cosford Cinema

A Personal Conversation with Ralph Nader. Council for Democracy and the School of Communication are proud to be hosting a campus visit by independent U.S. presidential candidate Ralph Nader. Nader will first discuss the major points of his campaign platform and then answer audience questions. Refreshments will be served. For more information, visit Open to the UM community only.

Should I go? Is there any point in asking him why he wants to destroy the country?

Posted in Miami | 8 Comments

More on Hurricanes and Divine Providence

The demonstrably silly post I made the other day Hey Florida, Have You Got the Hint Yet? got linked to by Atrios and many other blogs. So it got more than seventeen thousand visitors in a couple of days, very very few of whom then went on to look around the rest of the blog. A few clearly thought I was in earnest.

So, for the record, just because Jeanne did a dispsy doodle and is now heading straight for Palm Beach does not mean anything about Fate, Warnings, Butterfly Ballots, or who should be President.

Jeanne heads for Palm Beach

Unless, of course, the fear that this just might be a Sign would make you more likely to vote for Kerry in order to begin to undo the consequences of the ballot mess in Palm Beach four years ago. In which case, yes, it's a Sign, and we can expect continual disaster until we all get the message. Notice how the predicted track hugs the East Coast right up to Washington, DC? But like Pharoah before him, the current ruler will not heed the warnings…the people must repent before it's too late…

Actually, come to think of it, we can expect disaster until this lot is out of Washington. Trouble is, the disasters are man-made.

Posted in Florida | 7 Comments

Jeanne: Strike Probabilities

LOCATION           A  B  C  D
MIAMI FL           5 17  X  X

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