Every day, we're getting better in every way, and yes, the good news is that they just love us in Iraq.
Or, then again, maybe not: When even your hand-picked cabinet members resign in disgust, you're really doing great.
Every day, we're getting better in every way, and yes, the good news is that they just love us in Iraq.
Or, then again, maybe not: When even your hand-picked cabinet members resign in disgust, you're really doing great.
It's not a science; in fact it's more like a cult or a religion. But it is covered by my health insurance. And FSU up in Tallahassee may soon have an entire school devoted to it, now that our esteemed state legislature has voted funds for an FSU Chiropractic College.
Needless to say, the FSU faculty are not happy to find the legislature giving them this surprise gift. Several of the biggest names on campus have threatened to resign. It's all a glorious political mess, and there's even a special-purpose blog to tell us all about it: FSUblius.
It's amazing that half the country votes Democratic, and yet no network wants to cater to this huge market.
The American Street » How CNN can Beat Fox.
If CNN wants to take over the news business again, they have one choice to make. And that is to be unrelentingly antagonistic toward the Bush administraton and the Republican party establishment.
This will generate a lot of attacks, whining, and complaining from the rightwing media machine. It may even generate a boycott of the network by the GOP, and/or a freeze out by the Bush administration.
If it does, that is 100% solid ratings gold for CNN. Nothing generates publicity like controversy. And nothing sends people rushing for their remotes to tune into your network like the prospect of fireworks.
Be honest. Do you tune in to watch American Idol to see some great feats of vocal gymnsatics? Or to see who will be the next William Hung?
CNN should summarily fire every one of its sycophantic, boring reporters, and hire evey liberal, entertaining, anti-Bush firebrand they can find. Do story and after story after story on the latest way Bush is screwiong America and the world. Hire Al Franken, John Stewart, Joe Conason, Ed Schultz, and Bob Somerby. Tell people that if they want balance, they should become buddhists.
You can bet that every network, and major newspaper will write editorials denouncing CNN, and attacking them. Howie Kurtz will have a connyption! Advertisers will pull out. The establishment will run for the hills. But you can also bet that CNN will no longer be hemorraging viewers.
People will tune in. And when they do, a market for anti-GOP, anti-Bush news will be born.
I accept as given that more Democrats want a more balanced, reality-based, news program than people from the Other Party, indeed like something that challenges them from time to time. But that can't be true of all Democrats — just as the opposite isn't close to true of all Republicans. But even so, that should leave a big narrowcasting market of red-meat Democrats.
Note that this is an argument against interest: I can't stand Air America any more than Air Fox.
Cryptome has obtained and put on line Homeland Security Operations Morning Briefs – 27 September 2004 to 14 January 2005 (“FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY”). They detail a large number of security incidents ranging from the potentially serious to the puzzling or picayune.
The relentlessly sensible and often important Is That Legal? blog written by my law school classmate Eric Muller turns two today. Blogroll it today!
Just as Marty Lederman has been saying,
The New York Times > Washington > Gonzales Says '02 Policy on Detainees Doesn't Bind C.I.A.: Officers of the Central Intelligence Agency and other nonmilitary personnel fall outside the bounds of a 2002 directive issued by President Bush that pledged the humane treatment of prisoners in American custody, Alberto R. Gonzales, the White House counsel, said in documents released on Tuesday.
I don't care how they parse it: waterboarding — that's repeated near drowning — is torture in my book.