A Literary Note

Dragons | Jane Austin > Jo Walton, Tooth and Claw.

[English translation: Dragons Jane Austinified results in Jo Walton's delightful Tooth and Claw. Slight, yes, but lots more fun than “Little Women”.]

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4 Responses to A Literary Note

  1. Undeniably Jane Austen is in the mix, but according to Jo the primary inspiration was Anthony Trollope’s Framley Parsonage.

  2. Michael says:

    I never read much Trollope. When I lived in the UK Trollope was what every Tory MP with aspirations always said he had been reading, and it put me off the idea.

    TOR, incidentally, is on a roll. I’m amazed that well more than half of the quality SF/Fantasy I’ve read in the past year was a TOR product.

  3. Brad DeLong says:

    You should also read Jo Walton’s _The King’s Peace_.

    Damnedest version of the Tale of Sir Launcelot I have ever read…


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