Mid/Late July Conferences?

I'm going to be in Crete for a very nice seminar in mid-July. Before I book my tickets, I was wondering if there is anything going on between here and there during the week of the 17th that I ought to think of dropping in on?

On the subject of conferences more wonderful than I deserve, I will be in Paris — my favorite city! — for a too-short visit at the end of May, arriving the 25th and leaving that Sunday. The conference is the 27th & 28th, leaving me a day and a half free beforehand to look up a few old friends and obsess about my slides. (Mais si il y a quelqu'un a Paris qui lis ce blog, envoyez mois un message électronique.)

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3 Responses to Mid/Late July Conferences?

  1. Bret Fausett says:

    This is perfect: ICANN Meeting in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg (July 11-15 2005).


  2. michael says:

    No, fortunately, those are the dates I have to be in Crete.

  3. Paul Gowder says:

    ICANN still has meetings? I assumed by now it would be just de facto run by a couple of people and/or corporations…

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