Using a recess appointment, Bush Appoints Bolton as U.N. Envoy–thus appointing a man with a defective memory who lacks support in the Congress.
This will really help our foreign policy.
Using a recess appointment, Bush Appoints Bolton as U.N. Envoy–thus appointing a man with a defective memory who lacks support in the Congress.
This will really help our foreign policy.
Doesn’t he have the support of a majority of the Senate? A filibuster wouldn’t be needed to block his confirmation unless he had that.
That was then. This is now, after his “memory lapse”. I don’t think he could get a majority today.
Cool. Then drop the filibuster, and test that theory, by allowing a vote.
Forgetfulness is not Bolton’s main drawback, bullying is.
First goes the filibuster, next will be the vote. Why not simply let the NASCAR drivers decide as is done in Saudi-like run country.
Yes, RedWolf, first procedures that block majority rule will go, and then majority rule itself. An iron law in history, isn’t it?
And I didn’t even know there were Nascar drivers elsewhere…
It occurs to me that the other UN delegations might want to reciprocate by sending 150 lbs of excrement to the White House.