Monthly Archives: September 2005

Public Health Consequences of Katrina

Via Dave Farber's mailing list, an interesting and sobering analysis of Hurricane Katrina's public health consequences.

Posted in Science/Medicine | 1 Comment

Pigs Are Flying, People Are Dying

Hell on earth? Yes, and hell freezing over too: FOX News — Fox news forsooth — is reporting that it is inexplicable that the relief is not provided to victims of the flood SIX DAYS after the disaster struck. See the video. Who would have imagined Geraldo Rivera would be shouting the truth at America? And Shepard Smith reporting that people are locked into the Superdome where they are starving and dying. Of course the anchors tried to obfuscate….

Posted in Unspeakably Awful (Katrina) | 3 Comments

Interview With Mayor Ray Nagin of New Orleans

Harrowing audio (.mp3) of the WWL radio interview with Mayor Ray Nagin of New Orleans. Not for the faint of heart, nor those who swoon at “bad” language.

Posted in Unspeakably Awful (Katrina) | 63 Comments

Worse Than A Crime

“Worse than a crime—a blunder” describes so many of the major decisions of this administration. It's odd, however, to see popping up on a mailing list of law professors the query as to whether the current failure to plan for or to provide disaster relief might be grounds for impeachment.

Personally, I think mere incompetence, even gross incompetence, is not a “high crime and misdemeanor” as the Constitution understands the term, so were I in office I would not vote to impeach for that. Furthermore, I have some trouble seeing what impeachment would accomplish given that the person who'd take over is probably making many of the key decisions now anyway.

On the other hand, lying to the people to take us to war…

Posted in Politics: US | 7 Comments

Lake George

It’s bad:

Sadly, No!: Op-ed: The combined strength of the DHS and FEMA, the National Guard, and the Presidency and its powers, not only allowed a disaster to happen as though in slow motion, while warnings shrieked through the press; but even now, days later, they CAN’T EVEN GET IT TOGETHER TO DELIVER SUPPLIES into a major American city. They CAN’T FIGURE OUT how to put boxes on trucks or in planes and drop them off. For days, as the city sinks deeper into chaos. With bodies eaten by rats in the streets. This is our homeland security.

And while I’m afraid the actual causes of the above are systemic, I do like the explanatory economy of this little piece of analysis:

On another blog, I read that Dick Cheney is strangely missing — on vacation in Wyoming, with no expected date of return. Perhaps he’s ill; that would explain why no one in the Executive Branch seems in charge, or even paying attention.

Here’s the actual Washington Post quote on what Cheney was doing while New Orleans drowns:

Vice President Cheney, who has spent part of August at his home outside scenic Jackson, Wyo., remains there today [Wednesday, two days ago] — although
his spokeswoman, Lea Anne McBride, doesn’t call it vacation. “He’s
working from Wyoming today,” McBride told me this morning.

And when is he coming back? “He will certainly be coming back. I’m
not able to tell you the day right now. I don’t have that handy.”

Once again, though, facts get in the way of a cute theory: it appears that Cheney did return to DC on Thursday, as my brother reports:

Cheney Watch

Vice President Cheney, who had been spending part of August at his home in Wyoming, returned to Washington yesterday, his spokeswoman, Lea Anne McBride, tells me.

P.S. My brother also passes along this jem:

Blogger Wonkette
yesterday launched a meme that is spreading through the liberal
blogosphere: “A tipster informs us that down in New Orleans, they have
a name for the flood waters that have invaded the city: Lake

I like it.

Posted in Politics: Tinfoil | 3 Comments

Kos: Where Were They?

Daily Kos: Left Behind

The common televised theme is of reporters traveling to hard hit areas in New Orleans or the smaller communities, and reporting no FEMA presence, no National Guard presence, no food, no water, no help — and this is day 5. “Where is the government?” has been the predominant theme of the day. Apologists are being met with barely concealed disgust, in more and more quarters. Bush administration cuts to the levee system are being widely reported. FEMA inaction is being roundly criticized by ever-more-urgent live feeds from disheveled media figures with stunned expressions.

The Convention Center situation appears to be horrific, with deaths of elderly and infants due to dehydration already now occurring. It’s not clear if anything can be or is being done tonight, or how many will die between now and the morning, or what will happen then.

The lawlessness is rampant. It’s important to note, however, that the lawlessness wasn’t rampant on Monday. It wasn’t rampant on Tuesday. We heard only twinges of it on Wednesday. Today, from the sounds of the reports, a city devoid of all hope devolved into absolute chaos.

Posted in Unspeakably Awful (Katrina) | 1 Comment