I probably won’t be able to make this one, and if I did I’m not sure I could keep down my lunch while listening to a lecture on “Values and Politics” from Ralph Reed — the guy who orchestrated the campaign painting Max Cleland — of all people! — as anti-American…but if I did, what should I ask him?
Ralph Reed, who chaired the Georgia Republican Party in 2002, has worked on seven presidential campaigns, and served as chairman of the Southeast Region for Bush-Cheney 04, will lecture on Values and Politics in America as part of the Universitys Presidents Lecture Series on Thursday, November 10, at 6:30 p.m. at the School of Business Administrations Storer Auditorium.Thursday, November 10 6:30 p.m. Storer Auditorium. Open to the UM Community.
Actually, if I had the chance, the event I’d like to crash is this one:
Media Advisory for Thursday, November 10, 2005
The University of Miami invites members of the media to a lecture and interview opportunity with Ralph reed at 5:30 P.M.
Update: Oooh, Reed is apparently deeply involved in the Abramoff Indian Gambling Scandal. What a good choice of a person to have to lecture students on “Values and Politics”.
2nd Update: You don’t suppose we are paying him, do you?