Monthly Archives: January 2006

In Britain, Birds Are Bugs

In the USA we worry about the NSA tapping our calls, faxes and emails. In the UK, it seems the new thing to fear is … talking parrots.

Talking parrot gives away girlfriend’s secret lover: At first, 30-year-old Mr Taylor was amused when Ziggy started screeching “Hiya, Gary” everytime it heard Miss Collins’s mobile phone ring.

He even saw the funny side when the parrot began making kissing noises when the same name was mentioned on television or radio.

But the truth finally dawned as the couple snuggled alongside one another on the sofa and Ziggy blurted out, “I love you, Gary” in her voice.

What I wonder, assuming this isn’t another one of those great British journalistic hoaxes, is how the Telegraph got the story.

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Where Was This Guy Hiding During the Elections?

So Al Gore gave a great speech. It’s worth reading.

I sure would like to know why he didn’t do stuff like this when he was running for President.

UPDATE: The Washington Post covered the speech, which is more than most TV networks apparently did.

Posted in Politics: US | 3 Comments

MLK Wikipedia Bio Vandalized

Via Bitch | Lab (who seems to know Brad DeLong somehow), we learn of a campaign to vandalize the Wikipedia entry for Martin Luther King, Jr.,

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s biographical entry on the free online publicly-edited encyclopedia Wikipedia has been repeatedly vandalized today, an ongoing attack, forcing volunteer editors to monitor the page constantly throughout this day of remembrance.

His bio and a page tracking the history of edits and vandalism.

Bonus link to Short discussion of the problem.

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Military Commissions Off to a Rotten Start

Opinio Juris, not a blog given to limp liberalism, finds that the Guantanamo Military Commissions are off to an inauspicious beginning for a”Full and Fair ” Process.

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Values Clarification

Miami Herald, Groups unite to defy military recruiting efforts,

Over the last five years, schools such as Central, which is in a lower-income area, saw twice as many military recruiters as college recruiters.

I don’t begrudge the military the chance to recruit (as long as there’s no trickery); indeed, I’m still waiting for GW Bush to make a nationally televised speech banging the drum. But wouldn’t it be nice if we as a society were as assiduous about promoting education as a means of upward mobility.

Of course, once upon a time, state college tuition was almost free; now it’s much more expensive (Update: here are some stats on declining public funding of community colleges). And we’re making loans more difficult too.

I suppose it helps military recruiting….

Posted in National Security | 1 Comment

Blonde Joke

It’s going around the Internet as the Best blond(e) joke ever…but a lot depends on how you tell it.

Posted in Completely Different | 5 Comments