So far I know of the following people who are blogging this event (I’ll update if I find more):
- Gordon Smith
- Ann Althouse
- Eric Muller (who should have been invited, but is not thus disabled from commenting…)
- Larry Solum, and here, and here and many others I imagine.
- (Update, as noted in the comments): Tim Armstrong — very nice summaries.
- [Update 2:] The Wall Street Journal’s Blog just turned up in time to blog about Glen Reynolds, who appeared by teleconference (and spoke about libel law).
And oh boy they are already referring to each other. This has a circular cast….
Also relevant, sort of, Howard Kurtz Media Notes Extra which is about blogs “because I believe it has become the most vibrant, innovative and controversial form of information delivery in the media world today.”
Tim Armstrong is doing it too:
Muchas gracias por la referencia
Saludos cordiales.