Monthly Archives: August 2006

The Worm in the Machine

The home network situation remains somewhat weird. Last Friday, Bellsouth’s Indian outsourced tech support promised to ship me a filter to make the new modem go, one that they had neglected to include in the original packet. They swore it would go out Monday and arrive Tuesday. It did not, and the tracking number they provided when I called to complain made it clear that it didn’t leave their hands until Tuesday morning. The Indian help desk line person was amazing Tuesday night, though, and kept insisting that his computer had better access to the United States Postal Service computer than mine did, and his display showed it had shipped Monday.

So after that fruitless and frustrating telephone experience I thought I’d try the network again. Friday morning I’d turned everything off and let it cool down. Friday night I’d turned it all on again but it remained dead as a post – couldn’t even reach the router. I’d left it all on since then…but Tuesday night I discovered it was working again once I resaved the router’s login info, which had been erased by the hard reboot. Had the Alcatel 1000 risen from the dead? Was it the router? Or was it an upstream issue after all? I had no idea, but who cared so long as it worked… In an abundance of caution, I turned of all logging on the Linksys router — even though it has been on for months — as I’d read that my version of the firmware got unstable sometimes with any logging tunred on.

And so all went fine … until this evening when one of the kids fired up the family room computer and found that it could not access the internet. Oddly, and differently from the earlier symptoms, the other computers in the house still could. Was this a different problem or a symptom of the same one? Was it relevant that the last thing he’d done was to start up the Stagecoach Island download?

I did my usual round of diagnostics. IPCONFIG /ALL showed normal. Ping was dead. Other computers on the network were fine. We rebooted. No change. But I’d noticed that this machine, unlike the others in the house, didn’t have Microsoft’s IPv6 implementation even though it is running Win XP (Sp2) (dual booting with SUSE 10, but that’s another story). So, grasping at straws, I installed IPv6. And immediately it was happy again, without even rebooting.

I find that odd — as I understand it, IPv6 is supposed to co-exist happily with IPv4. And the router is old enough not to expect IPv6 anyway. I’ve rummaged around a little online and haven’t found anything that speaks to this problem, which may mean it is just a coincidence.

But my search did disclose the some mundane facts and one delightful one: It seems that Win XP uses its own IPv6 implementation rather than the standard one called 6to4. The Windows version is called Teredo tunneling. Indeed it was seeing the references to a Teredo tunneling adapter on my computer plus some DNS gunk of the form fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1 fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1 fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1 which put me on to this issue in the first place: On investigation that gunk proved to be an IPv4-encoded IPv6 address … whose absence elsewhere later alerted me to the absence of IPv6 from the family room machine.

So here at last is the delightful fact, straight from the Wikipedia:

The initial nickname of the teredo tunneling protocol was shipworm. The idea was that the protocol would pierce holes through NAT, much like the shipworms bore tunnels through wood. Shipworms are pretty nasty animals, responsible for the loss of very many wooden hulls, but Christian Huitema in the original draft noted that the animal only survives in relatively clean and unpolluted water; its recent comeback in several Northern American harbors is a testimony to their newly retrieved cleanliness. Similarly, by piercing holes through NAT, the service would contribute to a newly retrieved transparency of the Internet.

Christian Huitema works for Microsoft, and was obviously pressed by Microsoft’s public relations to pick a slightly less offensive name. Teredo navalis is the latin name of one of the best known species of shipworm. At least, the name Teredo does not immediately evoke computer worms.

Gotta love it. And, it seems (maybe), gotta have it too.

Meanwhile, the DSL modem line filter has arrived — a day late — but I haven’t yet installed it, or re-installed the ‘new’ Westell modem. If it ain’t broke…

Posted in Sufficiently Advanced Technology | 3 Comments


Conn. Senate Race Still Likely to Have a Democratic Winner: has analyzed Tuesday’s stunning primary upset of Connecticut Democratic Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman by political newcomer Ned Lamont, and has determined that the seat is highly likely to be held by a Democrat when the 110th Congress convenes in January.

Posted in Politics: US: 2006 Election | Comments Off on Ha!

Is the Democratic Party Still a Party

52-48 in favor of Lamont with about 98% of the votes counted.

I just saw the Lieberman concession speech — and all I can say is “Sore Loserman” indeed. Didn’t even sleep on announcing as a third party candidate.

And his concession speech was sanctimonious and hypocritical: accusing Lamont of “insults instead of ideas” — not to mention the Rovian claim that Lamont (!) is part of the “old politics” that has made Washington what it was.

So here’s my question: When a candidate loses a party primary then announces that he will run against the party’s nominee, will the Senate Democrats let him keep their seats on committees, or will they replace him with a real Democrat?

Keep in mind that losing the primary will not help Lieberman’s poll numbers. And that a lot of independents haven’t gotten to know Lamont yet. He’ll do well with moderates — for healthcare and against the war.

And if it turns out that Lieberman’s claim that his web site was hacked turns out to be incompetence instead — that will really help label him as a man of the past.

Posted in Politics: US: 2006 Election | 7 Comments

Privacy Illusions

As the world is abuz with discussion of AOL’s boneheaded release of identifiable customer searches (see here for an example of what can be found) here’s an only tangentially relevant animated cartoon about government eavesdropping. Whether you should be more worried about public or private snooping is a very tough question. And ultimately maybe not a meaningful one, as the government can buy or demand private records…

I was interviewed my NPR’s Marketplace about the AOL fiasco this morning, so you may find me on your radio somewhere. [Update: they used a small soundbite.]

Posted in Law: Privacy | Comments Off on Privacy Illusions

Very Odd College Rankings

The Washington Monthly Magazine has produced an idiosyncratic list of rankings of undergraduate colleges. I haven’t looked at the methodology, but the rankings for Florida are quite suspect from the point of view of a person trying to decide where to send their kids. That has nothing to do with law schools, but bear with me.

The University of Florida is ranked 37th. The Florida Institute of Technology is ranked 121st. FSU is 132nd. Nova is 157th. The University of South Florida is 158th. FIU is 169th. And UM is 170th.

I’m not offended by the idea that the undergraduate college at UF might beat UM on a value-for-money scale: especially if one is weighing the cost of in-state tuition, UF might well be a better deal for your educational dollar despite the gigantic class size and the location in Gainesville. And I’m sure that every college in the state has departments that shine. But overall I simply find it inconceivable that the college at UM, which has made such enormous strides in the past 10-20 years and which today boasts by far the strongest faculty in its history, could possibly be ranked so much lower than UF, not to mention behind those other schools.

OK, UM isn’t quite at the rear of the state sweepstakes, as UCF got ranked at 193, and FAU at 240, but still.

Posted in Florida | 3 Comments

Academic Secrets

Some people are really going to love this one: academicsecret blog (spotted via Feminist Law Profs — who incidentally, have a male guest blogger at present…)

Posted in Blogs | 1 Comment