Monthly Archives: August 2006

The Home Network Takes a Dive

The home network’s access to the outside world croaked this week.

Monday saw intermittent failures … resulting in hours of fruitless debugging on my part … followed eventually by total DSL or router collapse on Thursday (it’s not the switches — the computers see each other just fine). After plugging a laptop right into the modem failed to get a signal, even though all the right lights on the modem were green, Bellsouth decided that the problem was my aged Alcatel 1000 modem, and offered to send me a replacement Westell if I’d just agree to keep paying them for another year. Yeah, like any addict makes plans to cut off his supply…

The “new” modem came late Friday. It’s a tiny slip of a thing compared the Alcatel behemoth. Only it wasn’t a new modem, it’s refurbished. And there’s still no signal — only this time the DSL light blinks instead of giving the steady green one requires. Another call to BellSouth revealed that they failed to ship me a line filter which it seems that a Westell requires to operate (but the Alcatel 1000 does not). So, more promises to send what’s needed — although not until late Tuesday.

As a result, posting may be light for the next couple of days as the kids are home and I’m not going into the office much.

So, if you are trying to reach me by email, please be patient. Or just pick up the phone?

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Coming Soon to a TV Near You?

It’s all too easy to imagine how this Australian commercial for the Fascist Party, Fascism is Fun, could be adapted for the US market.

It’s a somewhat slow download, but I recommend perseverance.

Continue reading

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Daily Show’s Valentine to Florida

The Daily Show explores its love affair with Florida. Part One and Part Two (not decorous at all).

They love us. They really do.

They do love us, don’t they?

Posted in Florida | 1 Comment

Help Me Parse This

The Iguana is sometimes ahead of the curve, but is also willing to embrace tin foil at times, so I’ve parked this in that category for the time being. But I have to confess that I don’t even quite follow what it wants to mean.

Cosmic Iguana – Voice of the Evil Doers: NO ARABS ON FLIGHT 77. Maybe someone can explain it?

Posted in Politics: Tinfoil | 3 Comments

Almost as Good as Lightbulbs

Has John Quarterman figured out the next best thing since the lightbulb joke? Let’s listen in:

Perilocity: Why Did the Titanic Sink?: Let’s ask some people in different lines of work:

    because it hit an iceberg.
    because it had the wrong captain.
Security professionals:
    because its rivets were stressed from temperature changes.
Security managers:
    because it didn’t have radar to detect the iceberg.
Risk managers:
    because it didn’t have access to a distributed iceberg detection system.

As jokes go it’s highly extensible. Not quite as funny as the lightbulbs, but I’ll take what I can get.

So let’s add some…

Posted in Completely Different | 11 Comments

A Chance to Help Raise the Quality of the Florida House

A correspondent writes,

I see in your blog from March of this year that you called attention to Florida House member Dennis Baxley’s ridiculous idea to make sure students can “express their views” in the classroom. Unfortunately I live in his district. The good news is that he faces a challenger this year in November, a young democrat who is an Iraqi war veteran but now works at a women’s domestic violence center. His name is James Walker. I am not associated with his campaign, but have been trying to help him and have given him the maximum $500 myself.

Are you interested in doing something about Baxley and legislators who propose crazy ideas like his? I suggest you round up your friends who have an interest in this issue and each give James Walker $50 for his campaign. The only way to temper people with crazy ideas like Baxley is to try to throw them out of office. This is an excellent chance to do so. Baxley has no business serving in our legislature.

Here is a link to James Walker’s website:

P.S. Baxley’s legislation relates directly to religion and his disbelief in the theory evolution. What he really wants is for students to be able to argue in favor of creationism, and against evolution, and not be penalized in any way (i.e. meaning graded down). Baxley is a far right wing religious conservative.

Posted in Florida | 1 Comment