Monthly Archives: September 2006

The Walt Disney Company Standards of Business Conduct Illustrated

Walt Disney Standards of Business Conduct Illustrated

All quotes verbatim excerpts from Walt Disney Standards of Business Conduct; illustrations shamelessly hotlinked from all over.

Dear Fellow Disney Team Member:

Throughout the years, our guests, audiences, consumers and shareholders have come to depend on us for quality, creativity, innovation and integrity.Karl Rove
Bush with Ears
People trust us because of our commitment to them and to the standards to which we hold ourselves. We alone are responsible for upholding our excellence and our integrity. This means acting responsibly in all our professional relationships, in a manner consistent with the high standards we set for our business conduct.

Mickey 9/11
Upholding legal standards of conduct, while mandatory for every Cast Member and employee, is not enough. We are also responsible for maintaining ethical standards. These standards govern how we treat everyone with whom we have contact. These are standards of integrity… honesty… trust… respect… fair play… and teamwork.

Path to 9/11 w/ Mickey

In short, these are the standards we want Disney to continue to uphold in the years to come. Your company believes that its behavior as a business should reflect the commitment to the values set forth in these “Standards of Business Conduct.”


The Standards in this booklet explain both our legal and ethical standards. Please read them. Be familiar with them. Act on them. And don’t be afraid to speak up when you have a concern or a question. Talk to your supervisor, your respective Human Resources representative, or the Corporate Legal Department.

Our Standards of Business Conduct are here to guide our behavior and to help us live up to the highest expectations of excellence that are “Disney.” As we continue to create Disney magic, I hope your actions show your pride in yourself, those you work with, and the Company.

– Bob Iger
  President and Chief Executive Officer


Our guests and customers expect and deserve the best.

The Walt Disney Company and its subsidiary and affiliated companies (collectively the “Company”) are recognized around the world as providers of high-quality entertainment of all kinds, including films, television shows, attractions, consumer products, stores and resorts.

Path to Propaganda

Our Company’s reputation is a heritage that we must safeguard.

It is our goal to provide a reasonable return to our shareholders, and to increase the value of their investment. At the same time, we must be sure to protect the business and reputation of our Company, so that the Company can and will continue to live up to the expectations of shareholders, guests, customers, Cast Members and employees. Honest and ethical behavior in all matters relating to the business of the Company contributes significantly to achieving these goals.

Conflicts of Interest

Our business is built on public trust and confidence, and the expectation of our guests and customers that they can depend on our products and services.

willful deception

To ensure that we deliver our very best, we require the full and undivided dedication and efforts of all of our Cast Members and employees. Moreover, every Cast Member and employee must avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest in the performance of his or her job. Conflicts of interest or the appearance of such conflicts could also damage the Company’s good name.

Mickey's Lying About It

Accurate Reporting
Each individual shall report and record all information, and complete Company documents, accurately and honestly.

L. Accountability for Compliance with the Standards of Business Conduct

The standards referred to herein are mandatory and apply to all employees and Cast Members, who will be held accountable for compliance with the Standards. Failure to abide by applicable standards may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Additional standards may apply to employees of specific business units or locations. Thus, for example, station and network programming and news personnel are subject to additional standards which are set forth in other documents.

Mickey and Towers

M. Dealing with Improper or Illegal Behavior, and Suspected Violations of Law (continued)

Cast Members and employees are encouraged to talk to their supervisors or managers when in doubt about the appropriate or ethical course of action in a particular situation. Every Cast Member and employee must report any unethical, improper or illegal behavior, or any suspected criminal activity involving or relating to the Company. The Company also must be made aware of any complaints regarding accounting or auditing matters, as well as its internal controls. Thus, any Cast Member or employee who believes, suspects, or becomes aware of any complaint that anyone at the Company is acting unethically or is violating, or has violated, any law, governmental rule or regulation on behalf of the Company, must report this to the Guideline or to the Corporate Legal Department. The Company believes that it is most helpful when a Cast Member or employee making such a report identifies himself or herself; however, it is not required. While, in any event, the confidentiality of any person reporting unethical, improper or illegal activity will be protected to the extent possible under the circumstances, reports will also be accepted anonymously. Moreover, the Company strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against anyone who reports unethical, improper or illegal activity.


The Guideline (800) 699-4870

The Guideline is one way for employees, Cast Members, vendors, suppliers, customers, and others to report 1) questionable activities – including questionable accounting or auditing matters; 2) complaints regarding the Company’s accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters; or 3) to ask for guidance on any work-related issues, or to make the Company aware of any suspected unethical or illegal conduct, or violation at the Company.

The Guideline may be called any time, day or night, as it is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Company strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against anyone who reports any suspected wrongful conduct to the Company or any governmental agency. Reports are accepted anonymously, and the confidentiality of all reports will be maintained to the extent possible.

Posted in 9/11 & Aftermath | 6 Comments

American Airlines Should Sue ABC Too

American Airlines has extensive operations in the UK. It looks like they might have a great case against the makers of ‘The Path to 9/11’: American Airlines to blame for 9/11, Disney/ABC movie falsely claims:

I’m just wondering when American Airlines is going to realize that it’s about to be defamed in the entire English-speaking world.

As I first noted yesterday, I have the entire “Path to 9/11” video. And one of the very first scenes makes it explicitly clear that American Airlines had Mohammad Atta in its grasp, warning lights flashing on the computer screen, yet the airline simply blew off the threat and helped Atta kill 3,000 Americans.

Unfortunately, it’s a total lie.

Besides England, there’s hay to be made in New Zealand and Australia (where apparently the film is being marketed as “the story of exactly what happened” on 9/11 !).

As AmericaBlog says, the potential damages are so large that when the dust settles ABC might stand for ‘Albright, Berger and Clinton.’ Plus the corporate plaintiffs…

Posted in 9/11 & Aftermath | 7 Comments

Welcome New Readers

That’s some traffic spike.


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You Want a Libel Trial? Try England

I suggested the other day that ABC/Disney better be pretty careful or they would have some serious libel exposure for their ‘Path to 9/11.’ News reports since then suggest that the cutting room floor is getting crowded, so perhaps the most potentially libelous sections are being removed. What’s left behind may be one-sided, may leave out critical moments and information, but it’s an awful lot harder to make out a libel case based on implication by omission than it is to point to the smoking gun of commission.

Meanwhile, however, comes the news that ABC has sold rights to the BBC, which will be showing the film on Sunday. I’d love to know whether ABC has indemnified the BBC for any libel claims because it is waaaaaay easier to make a libel claim stick in the UK — even if one is a non-resident — than it would be in the US. And a British jury (libel being about the only time civil cases are tried to a jury in England any more) is likely to be infinitely more sympathetic to the Clintons, and hostile to the current administration, than any US jury.

I can see why ex-President Clinton might not want to file suit in the US, but discovery is much less invasive in the UK. As for the other persons in the Clinton administration who may feel that their reputations have been tarnished by whatever emerges from the dungeons of ABC/Disney, I’d advise them to consult counsel in England (names available on request). Easier to make the case, and the damages (plus costs!) could be quite substantial if the facts are still there to support a claim.

If I have any readers in the UK, they might wish to contact the BBC to warn them about their programming choices. It would be good to put them on notice of the risks. The BBC will understand what its potential exposure is.

Posted in 9/11 & Aftermath | 5 Comments

WPLG Plans to Show ‘The Path to 9/11’

I called WPLG this morning to try to persuade them not to run the ‘Path to 9/11’ movie. (I emailed a couple of days ago but didn’t get an answer.) The Miami number (305) 576-1010 just takes you to an unhelpful automated telephone menu with no options that seemed appropriate for complaints about programming. I finally picked the news desk and asked for the general manger; they sent me back to the automated menu.

Fortunately, Google allowed me to find the name of the general manager, so on my next call I was able to pick his name out of the automated directory. I’m not going to print it here in the hopes that he won’t get too inundated with telephone calls, just those from the well-informed and highly motivated. I don’t think harassment is likely to be effective here. If you do call, please be polite. I also suggest writing out the main points you want to make before you place the call. (Good sources of inspiration include ThinkProgress and Open Letter to ABC and this post at The Carpetbagger Report.)

It was a frustrating conversation, which got off the wrong foot when the GM tried to suggest his hands were tied without actually saying so in so many words and I forcefully said that since WPLG isn’t ABC-owned it has a choice to make. (In fact, Wikipedia says that WPLG is owned by a subsidiary of the Washington Post.)

Main point: WPLG plans to air ‘The Path to 9/11’. During a 20 minute or so call with a generally polite but sometimes exasperated and occasionally almost bullying GM (in all fairness, I gave as good as I got), I was offered the following justifications which I’ve summarized and paraphrased below (my responses in parenthesis):

  • It’s just a movie. (But that’s not how it was promoted, including a big glossy ad that came with this morning’s Miami Herald saying “based on the 9/11 commission report” right across the top. Anyway, running a one-sided drama on a critical national issue shortly before a key election can be harmful in itself).
  • We’ll be running a disclaimer several times during the show, the full text of which is quoted below. (But these are not as effective as images; they will fail to undo the harm done by the film; and of course they can’t substitute for what’s missing.)
  • They are proud of the news division and hold it to the highest standards of accuracy. (I said, does that mean those standards don’t apply to movies, and was accused of putting words in his mouth).
  • Wasn’t their coverage of 9/11 tremendous? (I said I didn’t have a photographic memory for what they did five years ago, and even if it was great that didn’t alter the choice facing them now).
  • People like me want to censor everything they disagree with on TV and in Blockbuster (I said I didn’t want the government to prevent him from showing it, I wanted him to make an independent moral choice. And there’s lots of stuff on TV I disagree with, but this was the first time I’d ever called him.)
  • I can’t (or shouldn’t) criticize the movie until I’ve seen it (I suggested that [1] ABC had controlled who could see it in advance and [2] there were many actions in life where it was appropriate to try to prevent something rather than wait until after the damage was done — and this was one of them).
  • The effects of this movie will be positive as it is creating a useful debate that we wouldn’t otherwise have had. (Couldn’t you justify airing any false thing with that argument?) [Incidentally, this counter-argument, and the hypos I offered to support it produced the most anger: how could I make such generalizations!?! I’m afraid I didn’t say what I do for a living.]
  • I’ve made up my mind on the issue. (Yes, I said, and now I want to change yours.)

The only thing I said that seemed to even give him pause was when I said I’d be contacting local advertisers. To the response that there will be no ads during the program I said that money was fungible, that advertisers in other parts of the country were pulling ads for a week around the show to make a point. He didn’t like that. To the claim that I was trying to interfere with his freedom of speech, I said, no, I supported his freedom and wanted him to use it in a responsible way; if he didn’t I had the freedom to criticize him and to urge others not to support him financially.

At one point towards the end of our conversation I asked what it would take to convince him that the film shouldn’t run, if there was any amount of error or misleading that would suffice, but never got a straight answer. When I suggested that meant there was no amount of error that could block a ‘docudrama’ I was again told not to put words in his mouth. But if there is a local standard here, I was unable to get an articulation of it.

So, left with no alternative, I’ve started by contacting ABC’s national advertisers whose products I currently use. But doing it on a local level would be much, much more effective. Anyone have a list of local WPLG advertisers?

Meanwhile, here’s the full text of the disclaimer that WPLG’s General Manger kindly faxed me; he told me they will be running this “throughout” the ‘Path to 9/11’:

The following movie is a dramatization that is drawn from a variety of sources including the 9/11 Commission Report and other published materials, and from personal interviews. The movie is not a documentary. For dramatic and narrative purposes, the movie contains fictionalized scenes, composite and representative characters and dialogue, as well as time compression.

My impression is that disclaimers do almost nothing compared to the impact of a dramatic scene and that they fail utterly at making up for what’s left out if a story is told in a one-sided way; WPLG’s manager emphatically disagreed.

I was invited to call back after I saw the show, but frankly I don’t think I would want to spend several hours of my life being propagandized and then have to make an effort to sort truth from fiction. As someone who reads history books and newspapers, I’ve always avoided watching docudramas in the past to avoid the mental confusions they threaten to create and I don’t think I want to start with this one. But if there are any local experts around who want the job, I have someone you might like to talk to afterwards. Not that I expect it could possibly achieve anything meaningful after the damage is done…

Posted in 9/11 & Aftermath | 61 Comments

Yes, It’s Torture

Kevin Drum asks (rhetorically), Torture?:

President Bush announced yesterday that 14 “high value detainees” would be transferred from secret CIA prisons to Guantanamo Bay. ABC News describes the interrogation techniques that have been used on on them:

The first — the attention grab, involving the rough shaking of a prisoner.

Second — the attention slap, an open-handed slap to the face.

Third — belly slap, meant to cause temporary pain, but no internal injuries.

Fourth —long-term standing and sleep deprivation, 40 hours at least, described as the most effective technique.

Fifth — the cold room. Prisoners left naked in cells kept in the 50s and frequently doused with cold water.

The CIA sources say the sixth, and harshest, technique was called “water boarding,” in which a prisoner’s face was covered with cellophane, and water is poured over it (pictured above) — meant to trigger an unbearable gag reflex.

Is this torture?

I can’t see how anyone can call waterboarding anything other than torture. I’d also include some of the others on this list — even “open” or “belly” slapping prisoners sounds like a milder form of torture and, whatever you call it, is banned by both the Geneva conventions and every code of practice we use domestically.

And it’s all wrong.

Posted in Torture | 7 Comments