Question: What do these people have (somewhat) in common?
William Hurt (74%)
Robert H. Grubbs (64%)
Billie Jean King (62%)
Daniel Kahneman (58%)
Hafez al-Assad (57%)
Kevin Costner (57%)
Peter O’Toole (55%)
Richard Gere (55%)
Linus Tovalds (54%)
Answer below…
The MyHertage facial recognition site thinks they look a bit like me:
I am glad to see that facial recognition technology still has a long way to go.
Separated at birth?
the funny part is that if you lose the beard, you’d be a dead ringer for Billy Jean King
I just did it…
George Lazenby 70%
Francisco Franco 63%
Mel Gibson 62% (this program needs a LOT of work)
Mariah Carey 60% (did I mention how much work this program needs)
Well, the program did find matches that had the same numbers of eyes and noses as you…
I just did it and my closest match was Kate Winslett. I am a 25 year old guy. I think its time to grow a beard.