The guy who started the whole flap about how Edwards should fire his blogger-staffers for things they had written before joining the campaign turns out to have a rather elastic approach to serious prior misdeeds by his own employeesBush-Cheney '04 campaign employees..
A Personal Blog
by Michael Froomkin
Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law
University of Miami School of Law
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heads up. Your link refers to “his own employee” (I am quoting from memory). The page to which you link
does not describe Hudson as an employee of Donahue “Deal Hudson was the Catholic outreach coordinator for Bush-Cheney 04”. I think your link text should be “a Bush Cheney aid” not “his own employee”.
Great link though. Anyone who took D seriously should now understand their mistake.
What kind of moron thinks that bigotry and sexual incontinence are the same sort of thing? More, what kind of Democrat believes that they’re equally serious?
As we try to get into the mind of William Donohue –
We must get this straight – homophobic professors who molest their students – OK
young naive bloggers who post immature material on their juvenile blog – NOT OK
Things that make you go “hmmmmmmmm”