Apologies for any troubles you have viewing the site and especially commenting today. In addition to a ton of spam, it seems that one of the other sites on the shared server I happen to be on — a site with the enticing name of “moneychump” — has got 1062 diggs and counting for a posting entitled 52 money hacks – one for each week!. (Please don't click on it.) The flood of hits has driven server load up to a peak of over 105, and even with throttling of that site is hovering in the teens. My experience is that this blog is ok so long as the total server load is under five or so.
There are days when I think it would be nice to have my own managed server hosted somewhere. Then I look at the price tag…
Here’s the problem with posting a link and then saying “please don’t click on it” – it makes clicking the link IRRESISTIBLE. Sorry if I crashed your server.
Yes, putting the link up and asking for it not to be clicked is poor behavioral engineering. But darn funny…
I am so appreciative of the belly laugh I did resist. For now.
I’m glad someone here shares my peculiar sense of humor.
I like to be helpful so I just copied the shortcut and pasted it into my browser rather than clicking. You’re welcome.
Your dedication to humor is impressive. Risking certain additional server problems, you valiantly provided the link for all to click. All in the service of Teh Funny. It borders on the masochistic.
By the way, I finally broke down and clicked the link. I just couldn’t hold out any longer.
Your dedication to humor is impressive. Risking certain additional server problems, you valiantly provided the link for all to click. All in the service of Teh Funny. It borders on the masochistic.
By the way, I finally broke down and clicked the link. I just couldn’t hold out any longer.