Monthly Archives: March 2007

Bush Supporters and Buyer’s Remorse

Even some of Bush's own senior campaign staff now have buyer's remorse: Ex-Aide Details a Loss of Faith in the President.

So who are those three out of ten people who tell pollsters they support him?

Bush's support still exceeds that of perennial French presidential candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen of the National Front (FN) who currently has 17% support.

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Yet Another DoJ Document Dump

A third batch of documents dumped by DoJ in the Gonzales 8 scandal.

On review, it appears that certain statements in the February 23 letter are contradicted by Department documents included in our production in connection with the Committees' review of the resignations of U.S. Attorneys. We sincerely regret any inaccuracy.

Update: Here's why the new documents matter.

Still waiting for the White House documents…

Update: It seems the really good documents may be hiding at

Posted in Politics: US: GW Bush Scandals | 2 Comments

Off to DC

I'm off to DC today. Tomorrow I'll be appearing on a panel entitled The Future of Internet Governance at the American Society of International Law's annual meeting.

Although I've taught the basic public international law course a couple of times, and the connections to Internet Law are obvious, I don't consider myself a mainstream international lawyer. This will be the first time I go to an ASIL meeting. A number of the panels are about things I am particularly interested in — arbitration, terrorism, detainee related issues — so I'm looking forward to learning stuff and meeting new people.

I suspect that the atmosphere will be more formal than most of the events I go to these days. I tend to go to tech events and conferences that are held in inexpensive venues and where people wear t-shirts. (Or, occasionally, that are held in lovely, expensive venues, but people still wear t-shirts.) The ASIL is meeting in a very expensive venue, in the heart of Foggy Bottom, but it being DC, and the attendee list full of international judges, I'm expecting this is a suit environment.

Posted in Talks & Conferences | 1 Comment

Detainee 940 Still Waiting for Justice

This, on the other hand, is not funny at all: Guantanamo Waiting for Justice, the latest from Project Hammad.

(thank you to MK).

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Introducing the iRack

OK, this is really funny.

YouTube – MADtv – iRack :

Posted in Completely Different, Iraq | 2 Comments

The Modern Blacklist

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area (which is separate from the national group) has an important report out, The OFAC List: How a Treasury Department Watchlist Ensnares Everyday Consumers. (You can view the whole 262-page, three columns per page, OFAC list at the US Treasury.)

The report details how a program that was originally designed to disrupt the finances of terrorists and other hostile foreign groups is now (due to name collisions) blocking the routine financial activities of innocent US persons with the misfortune to having similar names, or the bad luck to have one of the banned persons erroneously linked to them on a credit report.

The good news is that, unlike the no-fly list, the so-called no-buy list is public.

The bad news is that the criteria for getting on it are pretty vague, and there's no clear way for a person who feels they don't belong on it to get themselves off it. And for innocent people who happen to have the name “Michael Dooley” or any of the other names or aliases listed in the report, they are going to find that their lives get increasingly difficult as more and more employers, car dealers, mortgage brokers, and even retailers, start checking against this list.

PS. It's possible I'll be on Marketplace (NPR) this afternoon discussing this report. There are a ton of issues, and I doubt they'll use more than a snippet.

Posted in ID Cards and Identification | 1 Comment