Monthly Archives: May 2007

Boston Public Does Gitmo

Boston Public does — I mean does — Gitmo:


Posted in Guantanamo | 1 Comment

Jury Duty

I have jury duty, so no blogging for most of today.

As 'Rumpole' would say….See You In Court. For a few seconds of voire dire anyway.

Previous post: Called for Jury Duty.

Posted in Law: Practice | 4 Comments

I’m Part of the Majority

TPM Cafe, New Poll: Solid Majority Wants Congress To Send Bush Another Bill With Timetables,

Fifty four percent of Americans oppose President Bush's veto of Congress' Iraq withdrawal bill, and a solid majority wants Congress to send Bush another Iraq bill containing withdrawal timetables

I am part of the majority. Why is it so silent?

Silent or not, I do think that the electorate will take its revenge at 2008. Bush is making Hoover look good. And Hoover defined his party for over a generation. We'll get the enablers.

Posted in Iraq | 5 Comments

This Sounds Like a First Amendment Issue to Me

It seems Florida has a law that makes it much more difficult to re-sell a used CD. Among its provisions is a prohibition on stores paying cash for used CDs — they can only give store credit. And stores must hold CDs for 30 days before reselling them. Worst of all, if reports are to be believed (I haven't seen the statute) stores must subject sellers of used CDs to the third degree:

No, you won't spend any time in jail, but you'll certainly feel like a criminal once the local record shop makes copies of all of your identifying information and even collects your fingerprints.

On top of that, stores that want to sell used CDs despite all these discouragements will have to post a $10,000 bond!

CDs, even used ones, are a form of speech covered by the First Amendment. The idea that one must register to traffic in speech strikes me as presumptively unconstitutional. I wonder how this statute could survive strict scrutiny (which I assume would be what applies?) given the assertion at ars technica that in fact there is “no proof that [stolen CDs] is a particularly pressing problem for record shops in general.”

Cites to the text of the bill, or thoughts from First Amendment mavens most welcome.

Posted in Florida, Law: Free Speech | 6 Comments

Basic Lessons in Democracy

Of the TV blowhards, Chris Matthews seems to be the one most likely to have reality-based moments. See him have a good one at the expense of a pro-war Iraqi vet sent out to repeat GOP spin points about not letting Congress micro-manage the war:

“…democracy: Politicians run countries. You got a problem with that?”

Well, yes, some Leo Straussian right-wing types do have a problem with that.

Posted in Iraq | 2 Comments

Meaningless Personality Quiz (pt. 13)

You know, I actually sort of believe this:

You Belong in Amsterdam

A little old fashioned, a little modern – you're the best of both worlds. And so is Amsterdam.

Whether you want to be a squatter graffiti artist or a great novelist, Amsterdam has all that you want in Europe (in one small city).

If it can't be Paris then, yes, Amsterdam.

Posted in Meaningless Personality Quizzes | 5 Comments