I may have mentioned this before, but I continue to be amazed and bemused by the emergence of one comment thread on this blog, Type 1 Diabetes Cure?, as a sort of clearinghouse for diabetes patients to exchange their stories and seek advice.
I assume this has happened because Google has put that page high on the results list for 'Type1 Diabetes Cure'. I usually close comments threads after a few weeks in order to keep down the robotic advertising attacks, but I intend to keep this one open as long as it has an audience.
Oh yea – these pharmacy spammers are a pain in the ass. It seems, that this is the biggest market at the moment?!
I hate it when your Email address winds up on some spammers list, that obviously gets traded/sold to other spammers to the point you have to basically shut the Email address down.
What is even more alarming is there is people out there gullable (stupid) enought to click the links or buy their products/services because the spam emails obviously wouldn’t be effective and they would stop if the “tactic” didn’t work.
As they say i guess… There’s one born every minute.
I hate it when your Email address winds up on some spammers list, that obviously gets traded/sold to other spammers to the point you have to basically shut the Email address down.
What is even more alarming is there is people out there gullable (stupid) enought to click the links or buy their products/services because the spam emails obviously wouldn’t be effective and they would stop if the “tactic” didn’t work.
As they say i guess… There’s one born every minute.
Could you maybe install a plug-in that asks one of those 2+2= questions to ward off the automated submissions? I personally feel they are better then the “impossible to read” captcha images.