Monthly Archives: July 2007


What is it about ICANN meetings and lost luggage? Last year an airline lost my luggage on my way to an ICANN meeting. And here I am, a year later, stopping off in Durham on my way to this year's nomcom session … and a different airline lost my luggage.

I should say that Lufthansa's way of dealing with it was pretty impressive. American Airlines was just short of surly at the airport, the news that there was no info in the system about where my bag was didn't give me confidence, and now, well after the next flight came in, the online service still doesn't show any info about my bag. This looks bad, doesn't it?

Update (9:15pm): “Bag Tag Number(s): RDU AA xxxxxx has arrived and has been scheduled for pickup by the delivery service on Jul 07 at 11:00 PM local time. It will be delivered to the address you provided within approximately 6 hours* of pickup time.”

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Why is Spam of Such Low Quality?

W. David Stephenson blogs on homeland security et al. — and under “et al.” asks why is there no attention to detail by spammers?

This is something I wonder about every day while I hold down the delete key to kill off several hundred spams. I can see the argument that some foreign spammers can't do better as their English is too poor (but can't they find something to copy?). I can see the argument that even cheap spam makes a buck, so that there's a quality/effort sweet spot. What I can't understand is why that's the only point or why it so dominates the (mythical) quality-spam solution point.

Posted in Econ & Money, Internet | 4 Comments

And Here’s A Picture


Posted in Dan Froomkin | 2 Comments

My Brother Will Be On ‘Hardball’

I gather Dan will be on TV in a few minutes on, of all things, “Hardball”.

It's things like this which will make me buy a TV some day.

Update: Then again, maybe not? One of my kids found the video out there on this Internet thingie.

Update2: And here's some more.

And still more.

Posted in Dan Froomkin | Comments Off on My Brother Will Be On ‘Hardball’

Impeachment Polls

The public is warming to the idea, according to this ARG poll released today.

Do you favor or oppose the US House of Representatives beginning impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush?
7/5/07 Favor Oppose Undecided
All Adults 45% 46% 9%
Voters 46% 44% 10%
Democrats (38%) 69% 22% 9%
Republicans (29%) 13% 86% 1%
Independents (33%) 50% 30% 20%
3/15/06 42% 49% 9%
Based on 1,100 completed telephone interviews among a random sample of adults nationwide July 3-5, 2007. The theoretical margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points, 95% of the time. Of the total sample, 933 interviews were completed among registered voters.



Do you favor or oppose the US House of Representatives beginning impeachment proceedings against Vice President Dick Cheney?
7/5/07 Favor Oppose Undecided
All Adults 54% 40% 6%
Voters 50% 44% 6%
Democrats (38%) 76% 24%
Republicans (29%) 17% 83%
Independents (33%) 51% 29% 20%
Based on 1,100 completed telephone interviews among a random sample of adults nationwide July 3-5, 2007. The theoretical margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points, 95% of the time. Of the total sample, 933 interviews were completed among registered voters.


Posted in Politics: Impeachments | 3 Comments

New ‘Impeach Cheney’ Video

Robert Greenwald and the Brave New Films crowd have a new video out calling for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney. They concentrate on his fabrication/manipulation of intelligence to cause the US to invade Iraq and Iran.

I think the video is a little heavy-handed myself, and the bill of particulars leaves out some important domestic offenses, but I do like the last three seconds of the video quite a lot.

Posted in Politics: Impeachments | 4 Comments