Monthly Archives: October 2007


An absolutely ridiculous amount of my time this semester has been eaten up by administration. In this post I'll talk about two tasks, one small and annoying, the other large and on-going.

I have spent at least 15 hours this semester struggling with … cover sheets. Yes, as part of my new job as “Director of Faculty Development” I am responsible for 'encouraging' the colleagues to be more visibly productive by posting their work product online, especially at SSRN. SSRN encourages you to have standardized cover sheets if you're going to have lots of papers online. Our IT people were unable to produce decent ones, so in the end I had to do it. But although mine were not as bad as theirs, they weren't perfect either, and every so often I have to go fix some glitch they cause on documents created with some new wordprocessing wrinkle. Maddening.

The second task is much more serious. In what must count as a significant working out of my karmic debts, I was sentenced to the law school's Strategic Planning committee. For various complex and political reasons, not least our desire to issue a report before we get too far into the ongoing Dean search, we're trying to do a plan in about half the time one should. So we meet a lot. In fact, we meet three or four times a week, for hours at a go.

We will soon send a draft of our work to the faculty, which will no doubt provide feedback with gusto. Once we recover, we have to redraft and try to provide a final text the faculty will like. All by early December.

I don't know exactly at what point our new plan, whatever it turns out to be, will become public, but I look forward to discussing its substance here once I am free to do so.

Posted in Personal | 5 Comments

Amnesty International Comes to UM Law

Good things sometimes come to my mailbox.

The University of Miami School of Law will host this year's Southern Regional Conference of Amnesty International from October 19th through the 21st. Attendees will include delegates from eleven states, local activists, and the UM School of Law community.

The conference starts on October 19th at the Holiday Inn across from the University of Miami with workshops and a human rights tour of Miami. At 7:00 p.m. Haitian writer and poet Edwidge Dandicat will be the keynote speaker at the opening cultural event held at the Storer Auditorium (5250 University Drive Coral Gables, FL 33146).

Throughout the weekend Amnesty will hold 22 workshops on a variety of critical human rights issues and activism skills with renowned speakers. Four of the workshops will be in Spanish and English/Spanish interpretation will be provided during the opening and closing plenary.

UM faculty will be on a panel about Immigration and give a workshop in Spanish on the Death Penalty.

The Conference closes on Sunday, October 21st, with Bukeni Tete Waruzi – a former child soldier – speaking about his experience in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Should be a great event.

Posted in Law School | 4 Comments

Dream On

I Heart Zappos

Wouldn't you like to live in a world in which this sort of customer experience wasn't amazingly excepitonal?

Posted in Shopping | 7 Comments

Good Graphics

Here are links to two very different, very good graphical presentations of information:

1) Personal Democracy Forum, net number of Meetup supporters forming offline groups and communities in support of the Democrats and Republicans.

2) History of Religious Geography in 90 seconds. No theology nor social history — just a nice set of spreading blobs showing the geographical spread of five major world religions.

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Worth reading, Media Matters on its deliciously old-fashioned approach to news criticism.

At Media Matters, we go the extra mile and
actually read and watch the news reports we critique. It isn't quite as fast or easy as simply making things up, but we think it's worth it.

Posted in The Media | 2 Comments

E-mail Version of “ping”

Via Lifehacker, a link to Verify Email Address.

If, for whatever reason, you need to verify someone's email address, try, a free email address verifier. Just enter in the email addy, click “verify”,and go. The format, domain, and user are all checked by actually connecting to the mail server to see if everything is kopasetic. Somewhat disconcerting, but sure to come in handy in some way.

Seems the like email equivalent of pinging a web site to see if it's there. I guess we need this now that so many sites block finger.

Lifehacker is a funny site. So much of what they say strikes me as obvious or irrelevant to my life; but then there's that very useful 5-10%. Then again, maybe I should aspire to that signal-to-noise ratio…

Posted in Internet | 2 Comments