Monthly Archives: December 2007

Still Going Strong

It's been too long since I recommended that people read the Daily Howler. Today's, Daily Howler: Parents should show their children the Post—and tell them they mustn't be like that, is a real classic.

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ICANNWatch Listed Among ABA Journal Blawg 100

ICANNWatch, a website I edit, was recently cited by the ABA Journal as one of the Top 100 top legal blogs.

ICANNWatch actually could use some fresh blood. If you're a legal academic or law student with an interest in ICANN or in domain names or internet architecture, maybe we should talk?

[Link to “vote” fixed]

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It’s Starting to Hit the Fan

Like a dam weakening, the little trickle of news about misdeeds at Guantanamo and in CIA torture labs is becoming a bigger trickle.

Can we hope for a flood of revelations now?

Bonus: Emily Bazelon and Dahlia Lithwick, If the CIA hadn't destroyed those tapes, what would be different?

Posted in Guantanamo, Torture | 5 Comments

Congress Rediscovers the Power of the Purse

Secrecy News, Intelligence Oversight Flexes One New Muscle, is sort of a good-news, bad-news item.

The good news is that the Senate Intelligence Committee has reported out language that makes expenditures conditional on every member of the committee being briefed on a specific intelligence issue.

The bad news is that the committee apparently wasn't able to figure this out for itself: it had to have the idea explained to it by by former Rep. Lee Hamilton.

If I had any boggle left in my mind this week, that would use it up.

Posted in Law: Constitutional Law | 1 Comment

MiamiBeach411.Com Hosts A Dinner

Last night I had the good fortune to attend a Miami bloggers' holiday party at the Tuscan Steakhouse, hosted by the urbane and charming Gus Moore of

Miami has a diverse and vibrant local blogging scene of which, given my more varied interests, I am only a vestigial part, so I appreciate very much being included along with local giants such as (now a very numerous gang indeed) and Stuck on the Palmetto, which turns out to be a written by some smart adverting guys in their spare time, and not by moonlighting frustrated city planners as one might have imagined.

Other blogs represented included:
* Ipanemic
* Sex and the Beach
* Miami Rhapsody
* All Purpose Dark
* Dan Renzi (he's apparently famous for something)
* Fanless (warning: will hurt your eyes)
* Blenderlaw
* Miami Condo Investments (two guys, suprisingly upbeat)
* Miami Vision Blogorama
* A Mom, A Blog and the Life In-Between (the same person also does a Coral Gables Blog and another I didn't catch).
* South Beach Real Estate Blog
* Burnett's Urban Etiquette
* Miami Fever's Photos (a flicker stream)
* Restaurant Gal

No sign of Greener Miami though.

I am not good at circulating at crowded parties, and as a result I didn't get to talk to several people there whose blogs I read and who I would have liked to meet. I'll try to do better next time.

The group seemed more beach than suburban, and had a surprisingly large number of very recent transplants to Miami. And the food was good!

But it was a bit of a shock to be told by one local blogger about the secret plan to replace the dollar with the Amero. Who knew?

I had fun and look forward to the next one.

Posted in Miami | 3 Comments

Miami Is Different

Lifehacker asks, How Do You Prepare Your Car for Driving in the Winter? [Ask The Readers].

It's easy: at some point in December I stop putting up the sun shade on the dashboard.

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