We hired three people out of the entry level pool this year, and I for one am very pleased with our haul:
- Caroline Corbin, JD 2001 Columbia University; Teaching Fellow, Columbia University
- Osamudia James, JD 2004 Georgetown University, Research Fellow, University of Wisconsin
- Markus Wagner, erstes juristisches Staatsexamen 2002 University of Giessen, JSM 2006 Law Stanford
Osamudia James was just at South Carolina for a conference. She seems great!
What do they each work on?
Do you think UM Law would ever hire an alum? Other than a lrw or clinical professor? (I do not mean to disparage the professionals in those positions). Have any applied from the entry pool?
I don’t think UM would have any objection to hiring an alum. Why should it? The critical question — as it is with every new hire — is what sort of post-law school experience they have and especially what sort of writing have they done. There has been enormous credential inflation: you need at least one published article to be noticed, and two is almost becoming the floor.
I can recall at least one UM alumn coming to the committee’s attention in the years when I was on the appointments committee, but the subject areas of interest were not a good fit with our needs at that time, and that person currently teaches at another law school. Indeed, we do have a number of graduates in full-time teaching around the country.
If you’re thinking of a teaching career, the key thing is to publish.
“Why should it?”
Indeed, the legal education I got @ UM was outstanding.