Chocolate Considered Dangerous

Women More Likely Than Men To Surrender Security For Chocolate:

Women are four times more likely than men to surrender their computer passwords for chocolate, according to a survey of 576 office workers conducted outside Liverpool Street Station in London by Infosecurity Europe.

According to the survey, 45% of women revealed their passwords to strangers posing as market researchers for a chocolate bar, compared to 10% of men.

Apparently the overall percentage of password-yielding respondents this year (21%) represents an improvement over 2007, when 64% of respondents traded their security for a few moments of chocolaty goodness.

Infosecurity Europe made no mention of whether inducements tailored to men, such as sports tickets, free beer, or explicit pictures, were offered to test the possibility that the noted gender disparity might be reversed under different circumstances.


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6 Responses to Chocolate Considered Dangerous

  1. The women realized they could go straight to their desks and change their passwords.

  2. elliottg says:

    I, of course, would surrender my password for chocolate. It’s elliottg1234; do I get my chocolate now? Women apparently are either stupider or more willing to lie than men to get what they want. Which do you think it is?

  3. Symphony says:

    I would definitely lie about my password to get chocolate…especially if it was dark!

  4. Aaron says:

    “My password? Of course. It’s ‘f— y–‘. May I have my chocolate now, please?”

  5. Skyler says:

    Women are more accustomed to giving fake phone numbers to men asking for them, it’s a natural progression to giving out fake passwords.

  6. Guess it might also depend on the context of the request.

    If you were in a mall, and was asked by a legitimate looking survey company for one of the passwords you use. No username, no information on where the password is used, where you work bank, who you are, etc. There is probably nothing they could do with the password. For the sake of caution I would probably not give a real password though, or only one that would be of no consequence.

    I doubt that there are many women that would give their real password if she was not being completely anonymous as to her personal information. ie. Give it to a co-worker in her office.

    Personally I think this “survey” is likely a bit misleading.

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