Monthly Archives: July 2008

McCain Tries Subliminal Ad to Link Obama to Terrorism

The McCain electoral strategy is coming into focus: they figure their only hope is to get American to think that a dark-skinned Democrat must be a terrorist. Why else highlight letters that spell out something like “Al-Qaeda Commentary” over a picture of Sen. Obama? (The full video is the McCain site under “Obama on Iraq”.

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Subliminal ads are nothing new for the GOP (see for example Subliminal Seduction, GOP Style). And the guy making McCain's commercials? He's the guy who did the famous “RATS” commercial for Bush. (For details see here and here.)

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NN08: Annette Taddeo Is a ‘Future Leader’

Annette Taddeo was just on a panel at Netroots Nation, being showcased as one of four 'Future Leaders'.


Watching her and her staff work the conference, I've been impressed by the organization and discipline (and advance preparation) of her campaign.

Really, the only thing that worries me about Ms. Taddeo is that left to herself, she comes across as really nice. She's great at showing how deeply she cares about the terrible things that the GOP has been doing to us. And she presents as very smart too. Given her personal history as a successful businessperson, and the well-oiled campaign organization she's building, there's undoubtedly a lot of steel magnolia in there, and I think to win against an entrenched incumbent we may need to see a bit more of it, more consistently. (The problem with Rep. Ros-Lehtinen is more than “a lack of leadership”.)

Interestingly, the sharpness comes up more in the Q&A then when she does her set-pieces. Then she not only presents as well-informed, but can toss off the sharp soundbite.

My favorite was when she was asked if she's helped by having Obama on the ticket. Ms. Taddeo responded that “I'm a non-Cuban Hispanic Jewish American” and suggested that having her on the ticket she helped Obama with turnout in key groups too — in a region where he has to win big if he wants to carry the state of Florida. “I can be really helpful to Obama, and wish that some of the donors would see that and be helpful to me.”

Another great zinger was when Ms. Taddeo noted that her opponent voted for DOMA (the so-called 'Defense of Marriage Act') which prevents the federal government from recognizing a state's gay marriage, or from allowing gay couples to enjoy married couple's benefits such as in social security. Voters in Florida think their representative supports gay rights, Taddeo said, but in fact she doesn't.

And it got better — Taddeo noted that her opponent spoke eloquently against torture when it was done to Cubans but accepts it now. And then better – Taddeo did a great riff on how Ros-Lehtinen loves to try to look like a Democrat and — now that she has a real opponent — has even been forced to vote with Democrats a couple times.

I came away thinking, “You know, she's getting good at this.”

PS. The other three candidates on the panel were genuinely impressive too, but I especially liked Jim Himes from CT-04, who I hadn't seen before.

Posted in Politics: FL-18 | 2 Comments

Joe Garcia Is Cool

Joe Garcia has been hanging out at Netroots Nation and talking to bloggers.

He's also being interviewed by bloggers and traditional media. Here he is being interviewed by MTV:


I wish I could say this shows he has the media at his feet, but it's not quite as good as that.

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‘Eye on Miami’ Dreams Big Dreams

Eye on Miami, increasingly the hot local government blog in Miami, offers us a big dream in, Humanity's last innings:

In Miami, politicians like the green Mayor of Miami Manny Diaz have circled their wagons around a $3 billion plan to build more attractions, including a professional baseball stadium at terms that guarantee a financial windfall for the private owners of The Florida Marlins.

I wish our coral reef were a baseball stadium.

It really is amazing that with all the things Miami needs — paying for better schools, paying for cleaner water & waste disposal, that the big project being pushed by the Mayor is a new baseball stadium and a tunnel to the port. Unfortunately, the lawsuit seeking a referendum on the the $3billion project rushed through city government at the speed of lightening seems to be running out of steam. I would have liked to see at least a referendum on this project, which while it may have some good parts seems dubious over-all.

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Friday McBush Bashing (Netroots Edition)

I think McCain's 'tell' — the sign he is prevaricating — is when he blinks a lot. Just watch any video on YouTube and judge for yourself. (Hmm. Turns out I'm not the only one to notice this. See, for example, Matthew Yglesias.)

This hypothesis should be easy to test: Kos, there are just so many falsehoods to pick from.

OK, onwards with this weeks ridiculously long list of quality McCain bashing:

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Wesley Clark’s Warmup Act

Gen. Clark is warming up the crowd for Howard Dean here at Netroots Nation. He's a lot better at this stuff than he used to be.

But he says we're not on the internet because we're here listening to him.


PS. You can follow along on Second Life.

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