Monthly Archives: July 2008

The People You Meet

You meet all sorts of interesting people at conferences. Here Obama Girl gets to meet David.


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Matt Stoller Talks Sense About Obama’s Fundraising

Open Left:: Obama Blows Out the Pundits with a 50M Quarter. I especially like this part:

At any rate, the whining from DC pundits about how the left was undermining Obama's chances at winning was absolutely wrong. His small dollar donor army wants him in that White House, and they are going to pay to put him there. While it's often impossible for consultants in DC to keep multiple thoughts in their head, it is possible for most of us normal bluggers and blug readers to get that we don't like his vote on FISA but we want him to win the White House desperately anyway.

Posted from the back of the room in the Open Left caucus at Netroot Nations.

Note: Darcy Burner is in the room and got a big, big round of applause.

Update: Joe Garcia dropped by – and got a very warm round of applause too. Matt Stoller asked him how the energy issue is playing in FL-25. Joe said, first, Bush always sets up the issue as a Hobbsean choice – only bad options: they've set up a crisis and forced you to make a crisis decision. … Why haven't home energy bills gone up as fast as gas prices? Because of long-range planning. … Why hasn't the department of Energy done planning? … Bush has been stripping alternative energy from energy bills… They [create a crisis] to give oil companies even more leases. … We have to explore alternatives … wind, coal, solar, including nuclear …

With the price of oil at this level, all those alternative energies are viable…

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Running for Office, XKCD Style

XKCD is a great online comic strip.

This guy from Kansas has appropriated the XKCD style to power his campaign for State Representative. It's cute. See Running for Office: It's Like A Flamewar with a Forum Troll, but with an Eventual Winner.

I wonder if XKCD approves?

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Off to Netroots Nation

Once upon a time, I used to do a lot of local politics. I worked as a young intern in the McGovern campaign (not the world's most organized organization). In high school, I volunteered for the late, great Mo Udall, the best President we never had. In college I was one member of a small committee that set up a state office for the primaries for an underfunded Presidential candidate in Connecticut — without his approval (they eventually sent an actual staffer to take over). Just after I graduated from college, I was the press secretary for the Ira Lechner for Congress (VA-10) campaign (we got clobbered by Frank Wolf in the Reagan landslide). Later, while a first-year law student busy not crossing picket lines at Yale, I ran phone banks for Bruce Morrison for Congress (CT-3); he got re-elected, making it one of my few winning campaigns.

Then I lived abroad for long enough to lose many of my local political ties; when I came back to the US it was to a new and strange place, South Florida, where serious politics seemed to happen in Spanish. And I had other things to worry about: hurricanes, children, tenure, life. So I didn't do much beyond the armchair.

George Bush has (re?)radicalized me. And once again, I'm doing a little activism. This time, I'm helping out one of our wonderful local Congressional candidates, Joe Garcia (FL-25). (Our other great local candidate is Annette Taddeo (FL-18), but we've got that covered too, in a different way: my older son, age 14, has been interning at the Taddeo campaign office, and he's coming too to help Annette and her staff.)

When I called Joe to volunteer, he first asked me to look over his web presence and see if anything needed improving. That wasn't hard, it was pretty good already. Then, when Joe came over to breakfast to get my report, I asked him what else I could do for him.

I figured he'd ask for money, and was even braced to do a fundraiser, although it's really really not my style. But he surprised me: Joe asked me to go with him to Netroots Nations and introduce him around to the other bloggers. I tried to convince him that I don't actually know most of them, except by email, but he seemed to think that would do.

So Thursday, I'm going to Netroots Nation (formerly Yearly Kos), to act as a sort of advance man for Joe Garcia. Perhaps I'll see you there? If so, there's this great candidate you might like to meet…


(Poster from Miami & Beyond.)

If you won't be in Austin for the conference, you can follow along online in Second Life. See for details. All the main events will be streamed and they also promise inworld parties and special events. And, unlike the meatspace version, this one is free.

Posted in Politics: FL-25/FL-27, Talks & Conferences | Comments Off on Off to Netroots Nation

Local Democrats Winning the Funds Race

Joe Garcia isn't the only local Democrat who had a good fundraising quarter.

And Mario Diaz-Balart isn't the only local Republican who had a very bad quarter. It's striking just how poorly the incumbents' fundraising is going. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen retains a huge advantage from the $1.8 million she had stockpiled before the campaign began — but it's amazing how her funding seems to be drying up. The others also have a serious cash cushion. But the gap is shrinking…

As the Herald puts it, Miami GOP congressional incumbents outraised again.

District 18
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen – R
Net Contributions for the quarter: $281,087
Net Contributions for election cycle: $1,119,122
Cash on hand: $1,893,392

Annette Taddeo – D
Net Contributions for the quarter: $324,829*
Net Contributions for election cycle: $289,286
Cash on hand*: $457,105
*Ms. Taddeo has loaned her campaign $350,000 to date, including $170,000 this quarter.

District 21
Lincoln Diaz-Balart – R
Net Contributions for the quarter: $324,215
Net Contributions for election cycle: $1,158,451
Cash on hand: $1,755,490

Raul Martinez – D
Net Contributions for the quarter: $600,529
Net Contributions for election cycle: $1,217,195
Cash on hand: $1,079,068

District 25
Mario Diaz-Balart – R
Net Contributions for the quarter: $234,320
Net Contributions for election cycle: $746,985
Cash on hand: $1,044,586

Joe Garcia – D
Net Contributions for the quarter: $492,749
Net Contributions for election cycle: $824,196
Cash on hand: $700,983

I predict Taddeo's next quarter will be substantially better than this one, as her name recognition in the district grows, and as she continues to rack up national endorsements.

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One Million Suspected ‘Terrorists’

That didn't take long: Terrorist Watch List Hits One Million Names.

In comparison, it took us two centuries to get to one million lawyers (play Tom Paxton snippet).

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