Monthly Archives: September 2008

University of Miami Law Tops Florida Bar Pass

Congratulations to the UM Class of 2008, which recorded a stellar bar pass rate on the Florida bar exam. According to the official list, our grads achieved the highest pass rate of all Florida law schools, with a 92.4% pass rate among first-time test-takers. (More bragging at the official UM announcement.)

I've reproduced the full table below, sorted by percentage passing, based on the raw data (sorted by number passing) contained in a .pdf from the Bar Examiners.

But first, a few words of warning: Bar Pass Rates are Over-Rated As A Measure of Law School Quality.

Number Taking Number Passing Percent Passing
U. Miami 236 218 92.4
FIU 64 58 90.6
U. Florida 235 210 89.4
Nova Southeastern 197 169 85.8
FSU 212 181 85.4
Stetson 173 147 85.0
Florida Coastal 192 158 82.3
St. Thomas 135 108 80.0
non-Florida Schools 722 558 77.3
Barry 123 93 75.6
Florida A&M 78 53 67.9
———- ——— ———- ———
Total 2367 1953 82.5

It would be sort of interesting to extend this table with a column showing percent of class taking the exam, and also percent of class taking out of state exams.

The percent in-state vs. out-of-state tells you something about how national/regional/local the law school is. A large number taking no bar at all raises the question whether the law school is steering some students away from the summer bar exam in order to prop up its statistics, although there are also other very innocuous explanations. It may be that many students go on to LL.Ms and put off the bar, or that the school prepares them for other sorts of careers. The no-bar-anywhere number only raises a question, rather than answering it.

The first number is probably easy to get, but I don't know about the second. We graduated 442 JD's last year, making the 236 Florida test takers just 53.3% of the UM graduating class. My impression is that just about all of our JDs took a bar exam somewhere, and that the numbers reflect a reality that we run a school with both national and Florida ambitions, but I could be wrong about that. Indeed, if you'd asked me, I'd have guessed that the Florida-national ratio was more like 2:1 than 1:1, which suggests either that anecdotal evidence is not worth much, or that the school is becoming more national.

Posted in Florida, Law School | 34 Comments


I hab a bad cold so instead of trying to say anything I will refer you to dday at Digby's place.

Fly a plane, catch a cold, it seems to be a law of nature.

This administration rushing a bill through congress, hogs at the trough, that seems to be a law of nature too.

But the Senate may be finding some spiny growths, so not all observed regularities in nature are reliable predictors.

Posted in Econ & Money | 4 Comments

Steps in the Right Direction

At first glance, Dodd's counter-proposal on how to deal with the Bush financial mess looks like a real improvement. But there's still room for more improvement.

(URL fixed, thanks to Adam)

Posted in Econ & Money | 8 Comments

A Bad First Draft

Seven Simple Reasons To Oppose The Bailout

I'm on board with at least six of these.

Posted in Econ & Money | 5 Comments

Friday McCain/McSame Bashing (Repaired)

Thanks to the helpful intervention of techs at Dreamhost, I managed to pull up a backup of the blog’s database and find at least 95% of the lost text for last Friday’s McCain bashing entry. So I’m reposting it here even though it's a little dated – the stuff that got cut off previously starts after the horizontal line.

Of course, there's been a ton of good stuff since then…









Posted in Politics: McCain | Comments Off on Friday McCain/McSame Bashing (Repaired)

Register to Vote – It Matters

Oct 6 is the deadline to register to vote in Florida if you want to vote in the November election.

If you are a student and plan to vote absentee where you last lived, whether in or out of state, don’t wait to apply for that ballot; these things take time.

[Queued up to run while I’m in New York.]

Posted in Florida | 1 Comment