Before and after versions of an article; some of the changes I get, others I don't.
Ann Bartow, Why Hollywood Does Not Require 'Saving' From the Recordkeeping Requirements Imposed by 18 U.S.C. Section 2257 (Feminist Law Profs Blog).
Ann Bartow, Why Hollywood Does Not Require 'Saving' From the Recordkeeping Requirements Imposed by 18 U.S.C. Section 2257, 118 Yale L.J. Pocket Part 43 (2008).
Is this parallel publishing the wave of the future? And which one becomes the canonical version?
The Working Paper version, because the other version is stuck behind a paywall…
Neither seemed to be behind a pay-wall when I clicked- it took a bit but the Yale version loaded up as a .pdf and I certainly don’t have a subscription.
I still wonder when the Four Arrogant Law Reviews are going to redo their citation system from the ground up. That’s what it’s take to get rid of “changes” like this… which I would stet on access grounds. (I’ve done enough time behind the editorial desk to have an appreciation for that problem.)