News about the Hate Talk Express.
- ArchPundit, Good on LaHood — retiring GOP Congressman slams Palin
- HuffPo, Obama Called “Traitor” Again At McCain Rally
- HuffPo, Congressional Republicans Have No Opinion On McCain Mortgage Plan
- Crooks & Liars, This is what the hate from Right wing talk radio, bloggers and FOX News creates
- Political Animal, Hate, fear, and ignorance
- Jonathan Adler, Volokh, “McCain 2 Old”:
- TPM, Which Is It? (Palin's stories on Troopergate)
- Political Animal, They know no limits, they have no shame
- TPM, Crockodile Tears (from McCain camp about the hate they are whipping up)
- Joe Klein, Swampland, Better to Be…
- Political Animal, Troopergate endgame
- David Weinberg, Joho the Blog, Obama on McCain on buying up bad mortgages
- Political Animal, Temper, Temper
- knagenga,, Former governor Milliken backs away from McCain
- David Neiwert, Orcinus, Sarah Palin's dalliances with Wasilla's own extremists
- Boing-boing, If It Walks Like A Duck and Talks Like a Duck Dept: The McCain-Palin Mob
- Serge F. Kovaleski, NYT, In Dozens of Calls, Palins and Aides Pressed for Trooper's Removal
- McCain questioner complains of McCain's condescension
- Kenneth P. Vogel, Politico, McCain didn't report ties to Contra group
- CNN, Poll: 47 percent concerned McCain wouldn't finish first term
- HuffPo, McCain Co-Chair Calls Obama “A Guy Of The Street,” Raises Drug Use
- Greg Sargent, TPM Election Central, McCain Supporter Rants About 'Hooligan' Obama And 'Socialist' Takeover — And McCain Agrees
- ThinkProgress, Keating to McCain in 1986: ‘I’m yours til death do us part.’
- Crooks & Liars, McCain Media's Collective Yawn At McCain's Big “News”
- Romanesko, What NYT's Brooks really thinks about Palin
- Crooks & Liars, The Palin-McCain Mob
- Kevin Drum, Sarah's Airplane & Sarah Palin's Foreign Policy Cred
- TPM, The Cowardice Issue
- AFL-CIO NOW Blog, McCain’s Claims on Veterans’ Issues Don’t Match Reality
- The Buzz, Obama ad aims to make McCain look shady
- DeLong, Can't Anybody Play This Game? The McCain Campaign Defies Belief
- Tech for Obama
- TPM Presents a Collection of John McCain's Worst Attacks… McCain's World of Sleaze
- Political Animal,
- Crooks & Liars, John McCain lowers himself into the Ayers bathwater with Sean Hannity
- TPM, Real Piece of Work (Todd Palin)
- TalkLeft, Late Night: Poor, Poor Pitiful Me
- Obama Blog, “The Record,”, McCain’s Disastrous Mortgage Bailout Pulverized Around Nation
- Obama Ad, Tested
- Obama Ad, Taketh
- Crooks & Liars, Nina Easton: John McCain Sank the Free Market Republican Ship Last Night
- South Florida Daily Blog, “Off With His Head”
- TPM, Truth in Advertising
- Political Animal, McCain's bin Laden vow
- Political Animal, The measure of mendacity
- Jackie Calmes, NYT, Taxpayers, Not Lenders, Would Bear Costs of McCain’s Mortgage Proposal
- Boing-Boing, Note to McCain: Overhead projector is not a planetarium projector
- Mary Jacoby, WSJ, McCain Supporter Had Own Ties to Radical Protesters
- Political Animal, The septuagenarian issue
- Obama TV Ad: 'Country I Believe In'
- Brave New Films, John McCain's Rage is a National Security Concern
- Eric B., Michigan Liberal, State GOP bleeding internally over McCain early pullout
- Political Animal, Again?
- HuffPo, McCain's Trumpets Endorsement From Figure Of Foundation That Established Ayers Board
- Jeffrey Feldman, Frameshop: The McCain-isms that Lost the Debate, If Not the Election
- AmericaBlog, McCain taking “energy” supplement also used for Alzheimer's and dementia
- WashPo, New Anti-McCain Spot Appeals to Veterans
- Mary Hershberger, Investigating John McCain’s Tragedy at Sea
- David Weinberger, Joho the Blog, That one
- Bob Geiger, Vets Group Gives McCain Failing Grade On Supporting Troops
- HuffPo, Palin Attacks Biden While He's At Mother-In-Law's Funeral
- Jack Turner, Jack & Jill, Palin Supporters Hurl Obscenities At Media. Tell Black Sound Man, “Sit down, boy!” McCain-Palin, Unfit To Lead
- David Neiwert, Sarah Palin And The AIP: Not So Fast With The Exonerations, Please
- The Company He Keeps
- Obama Ad, The Subject
- Political Animal, Crushing an invaluable brand
- wasillaproject, Sarah Palin: The rape kit controversy
- Reuters, Maverick family to McCain: No way are you one of us!
- Joe Klein, Swampland (TIME), Embarracuda
- Firedoglake, Sarah Palin and the incredible disappearing accent
- TalkLeft, Palin Ignores Supporter Who Yells “Kill Him” After She Insults Obama
- James Fallows, The Atlantic, Our capacity for self-government
- nhavey, The McSame Trillogy
- FactCheck, McCain-Palin ad distorts Obama's remark on Afghanistan and support for troop-funding bills.
- Kathryn Lofton, John McCain: No God But Country
- Crooks & Liars, McCain’s Macaca Moment
- Political Animal, Touchy and angry]
- Talkleft, McCain: Erratic, Angry And Desperate
- Political Animal, McCain inexplicably blames Obama for market fall
- John Aravosis, AmericaBlog, McCain does nothing as supporter calls Obama a “terrorist”. Video
- TPM, Who They Are, What They're About
- Kos, Mocha
- Political Animal, Context matters
- TMP, Appealing to Our Lesser Selves
- Campaign Silo, Obama Has Double-Digit Lead In Virginia
- Talk to Action, Palin's Churches and the Third Wave series
- McCain reneges on his confession of guilt in the Keating 5 scandal
- Kos, John McCain Lies About Keating Five
- Poltico, Engaging on Keating bensmith/1008/Engaging_on_ Keating.html
- TPM, Flashback: Lawyer Defending McCain On Keating Five: 'We Lost The McCain I Knew'
- Crooks & Liars, Campaign Now Claims McCain's Admitted Keating Five Wrongdoing a Smear
- HuffPo, McCain Counsel Calls Keating Investigation A Political Hit Job
- Tim Dickinson, Rollng Stone, McCain on Keating
- HuffPo, Flashback: McCain's Presidential Ambitions Raised In Keating Hearing
- Emptywheel, New Proof On Longtime McCain Lie About Threatening Official
- Orcinus, Palling with extremists, indeed
- Politico, Taxes show Palins' Joe Six-Pack lifestyle (“The Palins passed up the opportunity to direct $12 from their 2006 and 2007 taxes to the presidential public financing system through which the McCain-Palin campaign received $84.1 million for the general election”)
- WSJ, McCain Plans Federal Health Cuts (“John McCain would pay for his health plan with major reductions to Medicare and Medicaid”)
- Political Animal, The company that he keeps & Guilt by guilt
- AFL-CIO NOW Blog, Republican Dirty Tricks, Secret Purges Aimed at Suppressing Votes
- Have you visited
- Retired Generals of the Israeli Defense Forces and high-ranking Mossad officials on Barack Obama…
- LAT, Mishaps mark John McCain's record as naval aviator
McCain was on his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam when a surface-to-air missile struck his A-4 attack jet. He was flying 3,000 feet above Hanoi.
A then-secret report issued in 1967 by McCain's squadron said the aviators had learned to stay at an altitude of 4,000 to 10,000 feet in heavy surface-to-air missile environments and look for approaching missiles.
- Jon Meacham, NewsWeek, The Palin Problem
- DNC Web Ad, Negative Attack Ads
- Zappatero, Square State, A Few Questions For Sarah Palin
- This issue has legs. Jack Bogdanski, There's no debate: Palins owe thousands in back taxes
- MyDD, Tax Profs: Palin Owes Thousands in Back Taxes
- NYT, Caucus Blog Questions Linger About Palin Taxes
- WSJ, Reimbursements Raise Tax Issues for Palin
- Ari Sunday, Remember How Sarah Palin Supported Divestment From Sudan?
- Obama Ad, Keating Economics: John McCain and a Financial Crisis
- There's also the 13 minute version
- Kos, Polls,
- Political Animal, Yes, Palin can get worse & Cheney's heir
- Eye on Miami, Palin/ Tillerson 2012 … by gimleteye
- TalkLeft, McCain and Palin: Palin Is the Greater Threat
- South Florida Daily Blog, McCain's Latin Experience
- Legendary Bluegrass Artist Ralph Stanley Endorses Barack Obama
- Political Animal, Obama tackles McCain's 'radical' healthcare plan
- TPM, Desperate
- Political Animal, Troopergate desperation
- Obama Ad, Job Loss: The Price of More of the Same
- WashPo details upcoming McCain Mud-throwing campaign
- Saturday Cartoons
- HuffPo, Palin Smears Obama With Year-Old Discredited Attack
- Top Ten McClain clips of last week from the Issue Alliance.
- McSexist Says Town Hall 'Emotional' Because It's All Women (Town Hall; Denver, CO 10/02/08)
- McCain: ‘We Need A President Who Will Always Tell The American People The Truth’ (Rally; Columbus, OH 09/29/08)
- Psst, Who's Gonna Tell McCain Hugo Chavez Isn't A Middle Eastern Leader? (Roundtable; Des Moines, IA 09/30/08)
- McCain Praises Truman For ‘Stay[ing] The Course’ (Speech; Independence, MO 10/01/08)
- McCain: There Will Be ‘New Rules’ To ‘Shrink, Sell And Clean House At Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac’ (Speech; Independence, MO 10/01/08)
- McCain Blames Financial Crisis On ‘Failure Of Oversight’ (Town Hall Meeting; Denver, CO 10/02/08)
- But McCain Says People Are Rightly Cynical Because ‘We Want Government Least Involved In Our Lives’ (Town Hall; Denver, CO 10/02/08)
- On Day of Bailout Vote in House, McCain Says A Leader Shouldn't ‘Phone It In’ (Rally; Columbus, OH 09/29/08)
- McCain Bashes The Media vs. McCain Lets The Media Off The Hook (Town Hall; Denver, CO 10/02/08) vs. (Town Hall; Denver, CO 10/02/08)
- Obama (Web-only) Ad, 477
- TPM, Palin Out Of The Loop On Decision To Pull Out Of Michigan
- From Patriotboy:
- Crooks & Liars, Will McCain hide Palin from the media for the rest of the race?
- TalkLeft, McCain Abandons Promise to Run Respectful Campaign
- Jack Balkin, Balkinization, Palin becomes irrelevant; McCain prepares his endgame
- Crooks & Liars, Does John McCain’s Campaign Own
- Dave Neiwert, Orcinus, Sarah's scary answer to that question
- Political Animal, All negative, all the time
- David Post, Vokokh Conspiracy, The Debate
- Crooks & Liars, VP Debate: The night’s most powerful moment
- Political Animal, Pre-surge levels
- Obama Ad, Can't Explain
- Gary Farber, Amygdalag, THEIR MOVIE CHOICES SAY IT
- Sarah Palin Winks At America
- Kitty Burns Florey, Slate, Diagramming Sarah