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- Political Animal Still waiting (for Palin's medical records)
- TPM,
- The Buzz, Crowley: Obama will win Florida
-, Harvard Kennedy School – David M. Cutler and J. Bradford DeLong commentary: Obama Can Cure Health Care's Ills
- Glenn Greenwald, Salon, Sarah Palin speaks on the First Amendment
- Political Animal, As nasty as she wants to be
- Bruce Wilson, HuffPo, Palin's Spiritual War Network Partners With Homeland Security
- Chris Bowers, Obama Wins!!! (Yes, I Am Serious)
- HuffPo, Eagleburger Blisters Palin: “Of Course” She's Not Ready
- Romenesko, Alt-weeklies endorsements: Obama, 57; McCain, 0
- “Doonesbury” strip for next Wednesday declares Obama the winner
- Crooks & Liars, Neil Cavuto on John McCain: 'On economic matters, you have no convictions'
- TPM, McCain's Disgrace
- Political Animal, Of course it's about race
- George F. Will, Call Him John the Careless
- Political Animal, Will has no use for McCain
- TalkLeft, Conservatives Dis and Ditch McCain-Palin
- Opinio Juris, Beware of a “Mavericky” America Where Failed Policies are Rewarded, or, Why Francis Fukuyama Endorses Barack Obama
- Crooks & Liars, Chris Shays gets off the Straight Talk Express
- Emergent Chaos: For McCain Palin (some endorsement…)
- WCIV-TV, North Charleston Woman Uses Last Moments In Life to Vote
- Kos, Plumber Joe's Humiliating No Show; John McCain Gets Stood Up By Joe The Plumber
- Kos, NH McCain Leadership Committee member endorses Obama
- Obama Ad, Rearview Mirror
- Obama Ad, Something
- McCain Offers Tax Windfall for Cindy the Beer Heiress
- Crooks & Liars, Obama Infomercial: Reviews and Ratings
- Joe Klein, TIME, McCain in the Gutter
- Political Animal, 'Preconditions'
- DeLong, John McCain: Dishonest, Dishonorable, Ignorant, and Incompetent (Two Worst Adds Ever Edition)
- Informed Comment, McCain Racism, Hypocrisy on Khalidi Issue
- Daily Show, Moment of Zen – Two Mavericks & Goin' Rogue
- Campaign for America, Heartbeat Away
- Political Animal, McCain wages war on the Times (the other one)
- Obama Ad, His Choice
- Delong,
- Obama, Feeling a Little Confident?
- In honor of Senator Stevens's conviction on seven counts: Palin on Ted Stevens: 'I have great respect for him'
- Digby, Rogue Palin
- Political Animal, Radio daze
- Iowa State Daily, Pre-emptive ejection: Audience members removed at McCain rally in Cedar Falls
- Political Animal, A Bubble Boy for a new generation
- Bob Greiger, Many Newspapers Endorsing Bush In 2004 Now Pick Obama
- Rechavia Berman, Scoop: Obama's online donation dubious. McCain's? Even more
- Political Animal, A mockery of the freedom of the press (Palin's demands before agreeing to talk to medi)
- Mudflats, The Lyin’, the Witch and the Wardrobe – An Alaskan Tale.
- DNC, More of the Same
- Anchorage Daily News Endorses Obama
- TPM, Another GOP heavyweight endorses Obama — former Sen. Larry Pressler (R-SD).
- Financial Times says Obama is the better choice
- Kos, A Marginalized Party:
Despite all predictions, this election is not, in fact, about President Bush. He's a non-entity in it all.
That's fairly remarkable. Aagainst the odds, the McCain/Palin campaign has managed to suck entirely on its own. Sure, the Democrats wanted to paint McCain (accurately, when it comes to nearly all actual policy positions) as the second coming of Bush. But McCain resisted the label, and instead found ways to suck that were completely independent of his ties to Bush.
- DeLong, The Republican Circular Firing Squad of Flying Attack Monkeys Commences!
- Making Light, McCain Gives Up on New Hampshire gives us this photo,
- Kos, Brian Williams: McCain Campaign Spread 'B' Hoax To Reporters
- David Neiwert, 'B'-grade hoax reveals Republicans' inner race-baiter
- Political Animal, What did the McCain campaign push and when did it push it?
- TPM, Who Do You Believe? & Time for Answers
- Kevin Drum, Palin-McCain: The Skirmishing Begins
- Kos, No means no. (Troopergate testimony)
- Political Animal, The return of the Mayberry Machiavellis
- Hullabaloo has a video of McCain voters
- South Florida Daily Blog has some Maimi voters
- Berg v. Obama: Dismissed (mentioned here only because some people apparently thought there was something to this frivolous complaint)
- Political Animal, Redefining 'small business'
- The McCain Campaign may not want you to see this
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