It seems that I'll probably be interviewed on ABC TV's “ABC Now” program, at about 5:45pm today.
The topic is this case. Before you jump to too many conclusions, you might want to read this letter from the prosecutor.
Ok, now jump.
Update: Was on for all of several seconds, and in due course they promise to send a URL.
As a former prosecutor, No. I would not prosecute this conduct for a first offense. Hell, they let football players finish out the season for all types of transgressions. The proper response here is to get the parents or guardians involved for some meaningful discussions. Also, I would take the prosecutor to the nearest drug store or news outlet and buy him the latest copy of Penthouse or Hustler. (Remember, Larry Flynt started in Cincinnati. Jerry Springer was mayor of Concinnati).
Wow … the letter from the prosecutor shows am amazing amount of personal concern, giving that after all he probably had law training which attempted to drive all such empathy from him.
It’s almost like whether drug abuse is better served by law or by medicine. She really wanted to do this; and can outlawing it be the answer? There’s a message beyond the law and directing it into the law, although maybe there is no recourse, as laws are laws, on a human level, is really not correct.