America doesn't like a loser. Not perhaps our best trait, but there it is.

- tech President, Obama Bandwagon Effect on Facebook
- Kos, McCain Aides Admit Winning Would Be A “Miracle”
- Digby, The Scooter Paradigm
- TalkLeft, Karl Rove's Prediction: Obama 338, McCain 200
- TMI a little place to whine, McCain = Socialism
- Political Animal, An object lesson in vetting
- TPM, Her Sleaziest Moment Yet(Saying A Lot)
- Political Animal, Dignified
- The Buzz, Tampa Tampa rally: where is everybody? and Political Ticker, McCain draws small Florida crowd on race’s final day
- The Buzz, McCain's top Gator switches to Obama
- Fallows, Proof that John McCain has reached the 'acceptance' stage
- Crooks & Liars & Geographers, If the Whole World Could Vote
- Kos, McCain Gets Confused On FOX News
- Crooks & Liars & Copyeditors, Still Not Ready To Spell
- Sam Stein, HuffPost, McCain Did Not Disclose Keating Business Deal To Investigators
- TPM< Frank Calls Fork
- Fafblog, Fafblog Interviews: JOHN MCCAIN
- NBC, The Trouble With Palin
- Obama Ad, Delighted
- Times (UK), Republicans try to use Oxford don to smear Barack Obama (More details here)
- DeLong, Andrew Sullivan Has Turned Me into a Wingnut Conspiracy Theorist: Where Are Sarah Palin's Medical Records?
- Sullivan, Palin's Medical Records
- TPM Microtargeting? (not)
- Kos, Foreign Policy Is Confusing For Sarah Palin
- Crooks & Liars & Spellers, McCain's Vetting Crew Strikes Out. Again.
- Political Ticker (CNN), McCain's name nowhere to be seen at Palin rally
- Political Animal, A promise made to be broken
- Sarah Palin Got Pranked
- TPM, Obama On Cheney's McCain Endorsement: Congratulations, John!
- TPM, Breaking the Law for McCain
- Digby, Springing A Leak
- TPM, Conyers Writes to Chertoff
- Bruce Wilson, HuffPo, Palin's Movement Urges 'Godly' To 'Plunder' Wealth of The 'Godless'
- Sahil Mahtani, The New Republic, McCain First, Second, And Always
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