Off to the Internet Identity Workshop

iiw2009a.pngI'm off this afternoon to California, where I'll be at the 8th Internet Identity Workshop, which will take place at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View.

I've never been to one of these before, but people who do this stuff — that is, make the tools that do and use ID — say it's the place to be, and there's an impressive list of attendees, so I'm giving it a try.

This will also be my first out-of-town unconference, I think, in that I don't count the chaos which was the first ever DNS-related meeting I attended almost exactly 10 years ago, the International Forum on the White Paper, in Reston, Virginia. (I've also been to local barcamps, but they're small.)

I'm back late Wednesday. No idea what blogging will be like in the interim.

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