Monthly Archives: October 2009

Law on the Ground

Getting rights on paper is only the first round of an endless battle.

Here is the experience of a qualified bidder on a local government contract trying to photograph potential job sites which happen to be Miami-Dade Metro stations:

Transit Miami, Wacken-“Nuts”, Reflections on the First Amendment.

At the first station I had no problem doing my work, I took my photographs and moved on. As I walked up to the second station I was greeted by two power-tripping guards that quickly welcomed me into the reality of the horrors of governmental and private company unions and their inane bureaucracies. To be clear, at all times I had in my possession the plans and contract book from Miami-Dade County stating the job description, locations, and purpose. I also identified myself and my intentions at every stop. It was at this stop where the debate and discussion on one’s constitutional right to photograph in public blossomed. I spent about one hour trying to get into the station to photograph the area, which I was not allowed to do.

At subsequent stations I already knew what to expect. Once again, I approached the station and introduced myself and explained myself. This guard appeared to be calm and wise, at least I thought based on his calm, non-emotional, respectful tone of voice. All that changed after he began talking about his “interpretations” on the law.

At this point, I was just so amazed and shocked that I wanted to hear more on his rationale. This guard had some of the best quotes of the day. Some of them are: “Miami-Dade Transit is not Public,” “The Constitution does not apply on Miami-Dade Transit grounds,” “The County Ordinances supersede the Constitution,” and the best justification for those lovers of the expansion of the police state…”9/11,” yes he said, “Now, after 9/11 your constitutional rights are different.” At this point, I was in shock that a Wackenhut Security Guard was stating this was the policy of the county and Wackenhut. He spoke with so much confidence and belief in the absurdities he was uttering that I said to myself, “This country is doomed.”

No, but maybe we need more lawyers?

Posted in Law: Constitutional Law | 3 Comments

Rachel Maddow Claims Senate Democrats Have Grown Spines

Maddow reports on the search for a Democratic spine

The search for a Democratic spine has consumed more than a decade, almost two. Signs of one were briefly located in Howard Dean, but the party's antibodies seem to have rejected him. Signs of small ones have been seen in the House although the incidence is very erratic. Now Rachel Maddow claims that two “major power brokers,” unnamed, are trying to inject one into Harry Reid by having the party strip committee chairmanships and subcommittee chairmanships for anyone who voted to support a GOP filibuster on health care reform.

My guess is that this is atmospherics designed to spur the uncertain rather than something that can actually happen. Do spines grow back after they atrophy?

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SSRN: Legal Studies Research Paper Series University Of Miami School Of Law Vol. 3, No. 7

I’m the ‘editor’ of this august working paper series, so I think I’ll reprint issues here. Some good reading if you are so inclined.

SSRN: Legal Studies Research Paper Series
University Of Miami School Of Law
Vol. 3, No. 7

Table of Contents

Irreconcilable Differences? The Troubled Marriage of Science and Law

Susan Haack, University of Miami – School of Law, University of Miami – Department of Philosophy

A ‘Pay or Play’ Experiment to Improve Children’s Educational Television

Lili Levi, University of Miami – School of Law

Rhetoric and the Regulation of the Global Financial Markets in a Time of Crisis: The Regulation of Credit Ratings

Caroline M. Bradley, University of Miami – School of Law

Toward a True Elements Test: Taylor and the Categorical Analysis of Crimes in Immigration Law

Rebecca A. Sharpless, University of Miami – School of Law

Discovering Identity in Civil Procedure

Anthony Victor Alfieri, University of Miami – School of Law


“Irreconcilable Differences? The Troubled Marriage of Science and Law” Free Download

Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 72, No. 1, 2009
University of Miami Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2009-22

SUSAN HAACK, University of Miami – School of Law, University of Miami – Department of Philosophy

Because its business is to resolve disputed issues, the law very often calls on those fields of science where the pressure of commercial interests is most severe. Because the legal system aspires to handle disputes promptly, the scientific questions to which it seeks answers will often be those for which all the evidence is not yet in. Because of its case-specificity, the legal system often demands answers of a kind science is not well-equipped to supply; and, for related reasons, constitutes virtually the entire market for certain fields of forensic science and for certain psychiatric specialties. Because of its adversarial character, the law tends to draw in scientists who are more willing than most to give an opinion on less-than-overwhelming evidence; and the more often such a witness testifies, the more unbudgeably confident he may become in his opinion. Legal rules can make it impossible to bring potentially useful scientific information to light, and the legal penchant for “indicia” and the like can transform scientific subtleties into legal shibboleths. And because of its concern for precedent, and the desideratum of finality, the law sometimes lags behind scientific advances.

“A ‘Pay or Play’ Experiment to Improve Children’s Educational Television” Free Download

University of Miami Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2009-23

LILI LEVI, University of Miami – School of Law

This Article addresses both the constitutionality and the efficacy of the FCC’s current rules that require broadcasters to air children’s educational programming. It argues that, even though the rules would probably pass muster under the First Amendment, they should nevertheless be substantially revised. Empirical studies show mixed results, with substantial amounts of educationally insufficient programming. This is predictable – attributable to broadcaster incentives, limits on the FCC’s enforcement capacities, and audience factors. Instead, the Article advises a turn away from programming mandates. It proposes a ‘pay or play’ approach that allows broadcasters to pay a fee to a fund for high-quality public television children’s programming, or to air such programming themselves, or to choose a combination of the two. The Article details some specific suggestions designed to limit both broadcaster game-playing and FCC content-intrusiveness under such a scheme. Ultimately, however, it calls for a ventilation of ‘pay or play’ models in a public rulemaking proceeding. Such an inquiry might well result in a negotiated compromise. In time, its efficacy could be assessed by comparing the resulting programming to what was aired under the more traditional regulatory approach of the past decade.

“Rhetoric and the Regulation of the Global Financial Markets in a Time of Crisis: The Regulation of Credit Ratings” Free Download

Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, Forthcoming
University of Miami Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2009-24

CAROLINE M. BRADLEY, University of Miami – School of Law

The market for credit ratings is a transnational market dominated by a small number of credit rating agencies (CRAs). The article examines how CRAs have used market protection rhetoric and harmonization rhetoric during the crisis in the financial markets. As criticisms of pre-crisis financial regulation proliferated one might have expected CRAs to be less forceful in their resort to market protection rhetoric. CRAs’ lobbying strategies have evolved as discussions about the broader future of financial regulation have evolved, and they have conceded a greater role for regulation in 2009 than they had before the crisis, but they continue to emphasize, with some success, that as a global business they should not be subjected to different rules in different jurisdictions, and to insist that the core of their methodological approaches to rating should be unregulated.

“Toward a True Elements Test: Taylor and the Categorical Analysis of Crimes in Immigration Law” Free Download

University of Miami Law Review, Vol. 62, No. 4, 2008
University of Miami Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2009-25

REBECCA A. SHARPLESS, University of Miami – School of Law

When determining the legal effect of a conviction under immigration law, adjudicators claim to apply a uniform, federal standard that prohibits fact finding regarding the underlying circumstances that gave rise to the conviction. This categorical analysis of crimes is firmly rooted in all levels of administrative and federal court case law. Yet fundamental confusion exists concerning what it means to apply a categorical approach to evaluating when a criminal conviction is of a type that triggers deportation. This article demonstrates that a source of this confusion is a misunderstanding of the nature of a conviction and the difference between a fact necessarily decided to establish an element of the crime and an extraneous fact that appears in the record of conviction. This confusion has undermined the well-settled principle that immigration adjudicators lack the authority to determine the facts underlying a conviction when deportation depends on a conviction rather than conduct.

This article argues that that only defensible rule for analyzing whether a conviction falls within a ground of deportation is a true elements test – a test that characterizes a conviction based solely on facts decided in the prior criminal proceeding to establish guilt. Any deviation from this rule incorrectly permits immigration judges to make independent findings of fact regarding the manner in which a crime was committed.

This article analyzes immigration agency decisions as well as federal court decisions, focusing on the immigration and criminal sentencing jurisprudence of the U.S. Supreme Court and Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Discovering Identity in Civil Procedure” Free Download

Southern California Law Review, Vol. 83, 2010
University of Miami Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2009-26

ANTHONY VICTOR ALFIERI, University of Miami – School of Law

This essay explores the story of Floride Norelus, an undocumented Haitian immigrant, her civil rights lawyers, and the judges who didn’t believe them. The backdrop for Norelus’s story comes out of Ariela J. Gross’s new book What Blood Won’t Tell: A History of Race on Trial in America. In What Blood Won’t Tell, Gross, an elegant historian and eloquent storyteller, enlarges an already distinguished body of work on slavery, race, and antebellum trials to investigate the changing meaning of identity in law and litigation. Bridging the study of law and culture, she constructs or rather reconstructs identity – both race and gender – from the artifacts of local knowledge expressed in social performance and scientific expertise. Gross points to two “key moments” in the twentieth century American history of racial and gender identity occurring initially when “racial identity trials shifted from more routine adjudications of ancestry to intense contests about science and performance,” and subsequently when jingoist and nativist movements ignited “efforts to define the boundaries of citizenship racially.”

During these moments, she notes, the forum for the “determination” of racial identity moved to the local courthouse, “a key arena through-out the nineteenth century for struggles over identity.” At local courthouses, Gross explains, trials of racial and gender identity “reverberated through American culture.” Indeed, for Gross and others, the “cultural arena” of a courthouse and the “legal case” at stake “could fix the identity of an individual or an entire national group with a conclusiveness that was hard to overturn.” Because of its cultural import, Gross argues, “law has been a crucial institution in the process of creating racial meaning at every level.” Both trials and trial transcripts, she observes, disclose “glimpses of ordinary people’s, as well as lower-level legal actors’ understandings of legal and racial categories and of their own places in the racial hierarchy.” Race trials, Gross emphasizes, “brought to the surface conflicting understandings of identity latent in culture, and brought into confrontation everyday ways of understanding race with definitions that fit into the official, well-articulated racial ideology that supported the maintenance of slavery and post war racial hierarchy.” Witnesses, lawyers, and litigants entangled in this cultural conflict “learned to tell stories that resonated with juries” and judges; in doing so, they actively participated in “the day-to-day creation of race.”

This Essay extends Gross’s historical scrutiny of identity trials to contemporary civil rights debates over the construction of race in law and litigation. The Essay is divided into three parts. Part II maps Gross’s analysis of racial identity trials, explicating her notions of racialized common sense and performance. Part III examines the trial and appellate litigation in Floride Norelus’s civil rights case. Part IV considers alternative approaches to civil rights litigation embodied in identity performance and empowerment strategies.

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I Am Not Making This Up

As I write this, my students are taking my midterm in Torts, a suitably fiendish exercise in which they have too little time to discuss too many torts.

And here was my fortune cookie message at lunch today:


Posted in Law School | 2 Comments

For College Football Fans With an Accounting Background

In Three-team tiebreaker ESPN's ACC blogger (yes, they have an ACC blogger), explains “what will happen if Miami, Georgia Tech and Virginia Tech all finish with one loss and Georgia Tech beats Virginia Tech.”

I think you need to have an accounting background to follow this. Or maybe be a tax lawyer.

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Too Busy To Blog

Work. Work. Work.

Little things to tide us over:

  • A modest proposal § Unqualified Offerings: “In the future Costco will run law schools.”
  • Bumper sticker spotted on the road: “When do we get to vote on your marriage?”
  • Gary Farber notes that Jerry Falwell's Liberty Counsel has launched a new program called Adopt a Liberal™. “This program encourages people to pray for those in leadership to restore poor leaders to right thinking.”
  • FedThread looks cool.
  • So does TinEye which offers handy browser plug-ins.
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