The Houseguest points me to the customer reviews at Amazon for the Laptop Steering Wheel Desk: Electronics.
Many creative uses.
The Houseguest points me to the customer reviews at Amazon for the Laptop Steering Wheel Desk: Electronics.
Many creative uses.
Thats not their serious, or?
Above all the nice pictures, what can happen If you use a laptop steering wheel desk.
Very nice. I mean… I though Amazon were intellegent enough to know whts crp nd whts vlbl.
ky, I ws mstkn. Sht hppns.
I nvr wld by sm shtty strng whl dsk. =)
[Edited by the management]
That steering wheel laptop desk is awesome. Now I can roll my joints on the way to work and not spill my primo shit all over my lap. Good thing it’s a straight line from my driveway to my office.
That steering wheel laptop desk is awesome. Now I can roll my joints on the way to work and not spill my primo shit all over my lap. Good thing it’s a straight line from my driveway to my office.