This is amazingly dumb: Obama Seeks Freeze on Many Domestic Programs
Not surprisingly the blogs are all over it.
- Open Left, One Word: Grotesque
- DeLong, Barack Herbert Hoover Obama?
- DKos, Unimaginable stupidity & Obama Embraces Hooverism
- DeLong This Is Such a Disaster in the Making…
- Kevin Drum, Pivot Watch
Please tell me that this isn't the first dividend of the Citizens United ruling.
- Update: Open Left again, It's Official: Obama is an idiot
Actually, Obama is pretty sure the American public is a bunch of idiots. His “freeze” “would not apply to “entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid,” “would not restrain funding for the $787 billion economic stimulus package Obama pushed through Congress early last year,” would not “apply to a new bill aimed at creating jobs,” and would be “unlikely to affect the approximately $900 billion health-care bill.”
In fact, according to one calculation, it would only apply to approximately 11 percent of the budget. The portion of the budget that represents $3.3 trillion in fiscal 2010 would still be permitted to grow.
Additionally, Dems in Congress have already rejected the idea.
So really, it’s just a PR move (yet another) made by Obama to make it look like he’s doing something, knowing that nobody will ever dare to fact check him in such a way that the masses ever hear it.
He thinks you are an idiot, and he’s not afraid to tell you over and over again.