
The hospital IT guy got me online.

I am still very very weak, and can't type well as two fingers are numb (nerve got bruised in surgery; it will heal in time). I am likely to be discharged soon — next day or two I think — but while my progress is real, I have a long way to go.

If I am no longer as weak as a kitten, I would still be hesitant to take on a litter of them.

Basically, if it can't be done sitting or reclining, I still need help to do it. But that will change.

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10 Responses to Progress

  1. Kathy W says:

    Take things slowly, let others help you, and work toward getting your health and strength back…

  2. Kat says:

    Glad to hear that things are progressing, however slowly. Take your time.

  3. Peter says:

    Along with zillions of others, I pay a daily visit to see “what’s new”. Keep up the steady progress, and — while it’s silly to tell you not to push yourself — keep it within reason!


  4. Brad DeLong says:

    Very glad to hear that your fingers are meeting keyboard again. If there’s anything I can do to help, just have one of your minions drop me a note or give me a call. Good luck…

  5. Jennifer Bard says:

    Get well soon. I’m wishing you a refua shelema and lots of class of ’87 best wishes-
    Jennifer Bard

  6. Chuck says:

    Hint.. For good IT Service, have someone who comes up to visit you bring a big box of donuts for the IT folks !! They’ll love you ‘forever’ !!!

    ” Remember that Great Law Professor who brought us the donuts? !! ” , they will say.

  7. Orin Kerr says:

    Glad you’re working your way back, Michael!

  8. Ann Bartow says:

    Been sending you warm thoughts, but not *too* warm being as you live in Miami. Very, very glad you are on the mend.

  9. long time lurker says:

    Relieved to hear you’re on the mend.

    All the best to you and your family,
    Long time lurker (~7 years), first time commenter.

  10. blah blah says:

    please go away for good

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