Monthly Archives: June 2010

Funniest Thing to Come Out of the World Cup

See it at

Of course “funniest thing to come out of the World Cup” is vaguely like “best thing Darth Cheney did for the US”; while it may not be quite that bad, it's still a low bar.

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Miami in Top 10 for College Degree Density

I was pleased and to be honest a bit surprised that Miami makes the top ten for College Degree Density:

Human Capital 201CDensity201D | The Big Picture

(Via DeLong, via Barry Ritholtz via Richard Florida)

Posted in Miami | 6 Comments

Obama’s Oil Spill Speech

That was … underwhelming.

If I was in a snarky mood, I might say that the legislative strategy seems to be prayer. But that would be fair.

Posted in Energy | 12 Comments

The RAV4

That gurgling noise was the water pump leaking.

Posted in Personal | 1 Comment

Chiles As Democratic Spoiler

The Reid Report, which seems to be one of the canniest Florida poliblogs, asks What is he thinking? How Bud Chiles is knifing Alex Sink:

Lawton “Bud” Chiles' run for governor is good for precisely one thing: screwing Alex Sink.

<pedantry>While I find The Reid Report's political analysis admirable, I wish to register a protest to the use of an apostrophe without an “s” to indicate a singular possessive for names happening to end in an “s”.</pedantry>

Posted in Florida, Politics: 2010 Election | 11 Comments

He’s Mad (Updated)

At Scrivener's Error, C.E. Petit rants about an attempt by John Wiley & Sons (a publisher) to trick writers into accepting unfavorable contract changes.

Back in the day, Scrivener's Error used to be impossible to read due to weird colors. Now it looks nice. And I like a bit of a rant now and then. Don't neglect footnote two.

Update (6/14): It gets better.

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