Here is the robots.txt file from the site:
User-Agent: *
Disallow: /music?
Disallow: /widgets/radio?
Disallow: /show_ads.phpDisallow: /affiliate/
Disallow: /affiliate_redirect.php
Disallow: /affiliate_sendto.php
Disallow: /affiliatelink.php
Disallow: /campaignlink.php
Disallow: /delivery.phpDisallow: /music/+noredirect/
Disallow: /harming/humans
Disallow: /ignoring/human/orders
Disallow: /harm/to/selfAllow: /
via PanGloss, Do robots need laws? : a summer post:)
(If you need the joke explained to you, you are not a geek.) You can also click through to the original post for 'Masilow's Hierarchy of Robot Needs' and some serious stuff about robots too.