Google Woes's problems with Google have worsened. First page rank went to one (from seven). Then it went to zero. Now it goes to a “question mark” which means that Google thinks something is wrong with the site.

Google webmaster tools says things are basically fine. Similarly, searching Google itself for “” doesn't reveal the signs of a hacked site. There isn't some pile of sp*m showing up as far as I can tell. But there isn't much showing up either — lots of things seem to have been removed.

Does anyone have a clue as to what might be going on or what if anything I can do about it?

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2 Responses to Google Woes

  1. Hmm … I don’t know if the following is related, but as possibly *something* that can be addressed, the HTML validator ( seems to be very unhappy with Some of the errors are trivial, but there might be something significant flagged. Google’s parser should be able to handle it all, though.

  2. dave says:

    what do the webmaster tools and html suggestions say?

    you may be interested in requesting reconsideration

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