7917 ballots cast, including 3836 absentee. That’s 48.5% of the votes cast via absentee!
Jim Cason 3056
Tom Korge 2087
Don Slesnick 2721
Group 4
Alvarez 485
Holmes 100
Martin 309
Quesada 3780
Rosenblatt 1775
Sanabria 1240
Kerdyk 5758
Naomon 1689
Source: Coral Gables TV live broadcast.
OK, back to my normal blogging starting tomorrow.
3056 votes for Jim Cason
4808 votes against Jim Cason
Against wins by a landslide!!!
Slesnick is finally history..great victory for Cason.
No run offs in the event that no candidate gets a majority?
The incumbent mayor only received 35% of the vote – pretty bad. Under that smiley veneer, there was a very nasty side … a side that many didn’t forget.
take that economist Gonzalo: TWO time loser
To Walter from a Sanabria fan. Its not Gonzalo who is a two time loser; its us as residents of this City. You shall see as now realities set in and promises of lowering taxes, fixing pensions and collecting from the Biltmore will not be fulfilled. We had a highly qualified candidate rejected because he did not go to Belen (which he did, by the way) or was part of twitter-mania.
Ok, congrats to Cason and Quesada and , ok, lets see some results on lowering our taxes this year as promised.
TheIt, I HEAR YA!!!, Sanabria never had a chance on Discourse.net, was crucified from the very first day,
“I have no idea who I will vote for, although I know two candidates I will vote against: Gonzalo Sanabria, who seems to represent almost everything rotten about local politics (and thus must be presumed to be the favorite to win?) and Jackson Rip Holmes…
My take on Sanabria was based on a series of postings at Eye on Miami ”
The above is Froomkin’s post after a meeting Sanabria requested to spell out or clarify some points made by Froomkin and the title of the thread was Sanabria turns on the charm. These attacks were not leveled on discourse.net on any other candidate in this race. All others were treated with fairness. I attended the forum at the Bill Cosford theater, and even Sanabria sitting quietly before the forum started was used to portray him as a loner, freakish type, it was amazing to read. During that forum, as I was leaving, Sanabria was about 10 feet in front of me and I saw a young man approach him and say to him, “after hearing you tonight, I have much more respect for you, I had been reading so many negatives about you on the web”.
Sanabria would have been a great commissioner, no doubt about it, even down to one of the last posts by Froomkin he posted that Quesada was young, and active, (not in this exact words), and in the same exact article he wrote that Sanabria by being intelligent and full of energy was dangerous(not in these exact words either), so be it, actually, this is the best thing that probably has happened to Sanabria in a very long time., because he must have been totally crazy to put up with all this, to put up with derogatory “Gonzo” names, and to try once more to take on the mess Coral Gables is in. Gonzo, enjoy your family, your successful businesses, go fishing and travel, and thank you for trying again, despite the unrelentless attacks.
Yes, happy days. Underneath that smiling, goofy exterior, is a very nasty, mean and ugly side that you never hope to see again. An impotent wimp that would not hesitate to use public funds, code enforcement, police, city attorney, goons and underhanded tactics to revenge those that criticized his pathetic performance.
Other than not, not a bad guy.