Obama Evolves

Ta-Nehisi Coates of The Atlantic, with the best reaction I’ve seen tonight to President Obama’s announcement the he now supports equal-opportunity marriage:

Obama Evolves:

I know what the polls show, and I know he was pushed into it, but I still credit the president with doing the right thing. So much of this process reminds me of Lincoln weighing emancipation, even as he knew, in his heart, that slavery was a sin.

Moreover, regardless of the push, I think this is really heartening timing after North Carolina, where a ban on gay marriage and civil unions triumphed by some 20 points.

So what if there is an element of calculation here. It’s still the right thing to do; it is nice even just once in a while to get that from the White House.

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One Response to Obama Evolves

  1. scott huminski says:

    Second Plaintiff Files in United States of America v. Sheriff Arpaio

    United States of America v. Joseph Arpaio, et al.,

    Docket # cv-12-981-PHX-LOA, U.S.D.C. (PHX)

    Court Document:




    Plaintiff’s Youtube Channel:

    For those with access to the federal courts data base (PACER), select Arizona and search on Huminski for collateral very relevant matters.

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