Monthly Archives: August 2012

“Son of Boss”

The diabolically effective part of the latest Obama ad isn’t that it suggests Romney paid 10% or less in taxes, but rather that it links him to a tax scandal with the delicious name of “Son of Boss”.

Because the thing most likely to sink Romney isn’t his tax avoidance but rather that he talks and acts like the boss’s son he is.

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Can Open Source Solve the Cimate/Energy Crisis?

Someone thinks it can, and is putting his beliefs into action.

Via Devan Desai via Forbes

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I’m off to a secret undisclosed location that we’ve rented sight unseen, save for a few photos online. The photo to the right is not one of them — there are tools out there to track back photos — but we hope the scenery in the neighborhood might be something like it.

I’m back in a week. I may have some DSL while I’m away, but don’t know if blogging will be part of my relaxation plans. Jotwell should keep on ticking over in my absence — we have some great stuff queued up.

Creative commons licensed photo © Copryright 2009 Kathy Weaver.

Posted in Personal | 2 Comments

No Kidding

Local politics gadfly, “Ladra,” in the course of fulminating about voter suppression in Hialeah, turns to fulminating about people surprised at voter suppression in Hialeah:

Hellllooo? Do you not read Political Cortadito? Do you think I’m kidding? I’m not even exaggerating most of the time.

via Intimidation at JFK starts early in early voting | Political Cortadito.

Yes, she is the blogger Hialeah deserves.

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More Downtime Tonight 7:30

Seems that the first attempt did not go according to plan, so we’re trying again tonight, a bit earlier in the evening (US east coast time).

Things could be weird (or offline) for an hour or two.

Update: Well, that went better!

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“Worried” – Obama for America TV Ad – YouTube

By contemporary standards, this Obama TV ad is actually substantive, but it falls down a bit on the web backup. "Worried" – Obama for America TV Ad:

It also has a link to where you are invited to go for more details. Although extant, they are rather scant:


  • President Obama is calling on millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share, and believes no family earning less than $250,000 should face higher taxes
  • President Obama has a plan to give tax cuts to companies that bring jobs back to the U.S.
  • President Obama is taking a balanced approach to cutting the deficit without sacrificing investments needed to grow the economy and create jobs
  • President Obama’s plan would help grow the economy for the long term by investing in education, small businesses, clean energy, and infrastructure
  • President Obama responsibly ended the war in Iraq, is bringing our troops home from Afghanistan, and will use half the savings to reduce the deficit


  • Mitt Romney wants to reward the wealthiest with even more tax breaks
  • Mitt Romney would create new incentives for companies to ship jobs overseas
  • Mitt Romney’s plan would add $5 trillion in tax cuts skewed to the rich, either increasing the deficit or requiring tax increases on the middle-class
  • Mitt Romney supports a plan that would require slashing funding for investments in our future, Social Security, and Medicare
  • Mitt Romney criticized the end of the Iraq war as “tragic,” and has offered no plan for Afghanistan except keeping troops there indefinitely

We could probably stand a few more details online, no?

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