Monthly Archives: September 2012

Romney to Receive Special Miami Welcome

No word yet from the Romney people about press credentials. UM says to ask Univision. They don’t answer their e-mail. I don’t think it’s going to happen.

Meanwhile, I got this notice about a Romney welcoming party:

Are you lazy?  Do you want to be dependent on the government? 

Mitt Romney thinks so.  That is what he told his rich donors last year at a fundraiser.  Today, the man who wants to be President will be at the University of Miami to talk to the 47% of Americans he apparently doesn’t want to worry about.  He will be talking to Univision live.  Will you join us?


4:30pm today-UMiami’s Bank United Center Field House


Contrary to Gov. Romney’s belief that the 47-percenters think they are victims, we are actually hard-working families who pay their fair share through local, state and payroll taxes. Next door to the Bank United Center at the Field House, the 47-percenters will make sure that Mitt Romey knows that he can’t  write off nearly half of the American population.Will you join us?


Protest of Mitt Romney and his backward policies
 4:30 PM Wednesday, September 19
Bank United Center – Field House
1245 Dauer Drive
Coral Gables, FL 33146
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The Friendship Paradox Explained

Steven Strogatz explains why “Our friends are typically more popular than we are.”

Short version: If they are friends with the likes of us, they’re friends with lots of people. (Presumably, the people who are really unpopular have no friends at all, so we’re not friends with them?)

This also explains what we would have to call the Gym Paradox,

… imagine going to the gym. When you look around, does it seem that just about everybody there is in better shape than you are? Well, you’re probably right. But that’s inevitable and nothing to feel ashamed of. If you’re an average gym member, that’s exactly what you should expect to see, because the people sweating and grunting around you are not average. They’re the types who spend time at the gym, which is why you’re seeing them there in the first place. The couch potatoes are snoozing at home where you can’t count them. In other words, your sample of the gym’s membership is not representative. It’s biased toward gym rats.

(Actually, the gym I go to is biased towards undergraduates, and if they’re not in better shape than I am then something is Not Right With The World.)

And the there’s what I call the Falling Tree in the Forest paradox:

This is also why people experience airplanes, restaurants, parks and beaches to be more crowded than the averages would suggest. When they’re empty, nobody’s there to notice.

Strogatz’s essay has lots more goodies, and also some math for those who fancy such delicacies.

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Olbermann on #47percent

I am not a fan of Keith Olbermann, but I have to say I did find this Twitter Special Comment on Romney’s Tape and his Fundraiser Who Stages Sex Parties pretty funny. I suppose this is further evidence that I lack a proper sense of humor.

(Apologies for forgetting where I first saw it.)

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Romney to Speak to Friendly Crowd (Updated)

Interesting article in The Miami Hurricane, the UM student newspaper: Lottery for Romney, Obama events causes controversy.

Students were originally promised a lottery for a portion of the seats for Mitt Romney’s Univision interview here tomorrow. It seems, though, that all of the very small number of tickets will be distributed by various, mostly friendly, groups. The student journalists were not able to pin down who ordered the change — the Romney campaign or Univision.

On Friday, the Division of Student Affairs sent an email to students who entered the lottery for Gov. Romney’s event on Wednesday, informing them that there would no longer be a lottery to distribute tickets to the event.

The event, as per the Romney campaign’s request, was only open to members of the UM College Republicans and presidents of certain organizations, such as the Federacion de Estudiantes Cubanos (the Federation of Cuban Students, known as FEC) and SpectrUM, the LGBT student organization on campus. FEC, for instance, will receive nine tickets for its entire executive board.

Though the local Romney office and the Florida communications director for the campaign were given the opportunity to comment on the campaign’s decision, they did not respond to phone calls and emails.

Of the 750 total tickets, UM was originally given roughly 400, with 99 percent of those tickets going to students, according to Rudy Fernandez, vice president for government affairs. Student Affairs has been responsible for distributing the tickets according to the rules imposed by each campaign and by Univision, who rented the BankUnited Center Fieldhouse where the events will be held.

The same room is being used for the Obama event, but the Hurricane reports that the student lottery for some of the tickets to that event is still going forward.

Update (9/19/12): Huffington Post has loads more details, and says both campaigns are basically doing the same thing.

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Gearing Up for the Romney and Obama Visits to U.Miami

So Mitt Romney will be here tomorrow to be interviewed by Univision on Hispanic issues. Talk about good timing! President Barack Obama is due here on Thursday.

Tickets to both events are being limited to students, but I’ve applied for press credentials as a blogger. Hey, it worked last time President Obama came to visit.

So far I’ve heard from the Obama people who said yes in principle but that actual distribution of credentials would happen later. Silence from the Romney people. Which either means they have bigger things to worry about, or maybe I’m not the sort of press they feel any need welcome. (Even though I’m not in the 47%.)

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“These Guys” Redux

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    Michael Froomkin
    Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law
    University of Miami School of Law
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