Monthly Archives: October 2012

I’d Rather Own the Book

Every now and then I start to think it could be fun and even useful to buy a Kindle. Then I read stuff like Amazon remotely wipes woman’s Kindle, and come to my senses.

Posted in Law: Copyright and DMCA, Sufficiently Advanced Technology | 1 Comment

Yes, My Downballot Recommendations Are In Progress

Several readers (yes, really, several) have been kind enough to ask if I’m going to do my regular downballot recommendations on judges and other local issues.

Usually I do them at the last minute, but given that absentee ballots are turning up in people’s homes, I am already hard at work on them, and hope to post them very soon, maybe tomorrow. Bear with me, it is a long ballot.

I’m glad people find them of use!

Posted in 2012 Election | 1 Comment

Is This the Best Political Commercial of the Year?

If Walk and Talk the Vote is not the best political commercial of the year, it’s certainly the best political commercial for judicial office I’ve ever seen.

Thank you to PW for pointing it out to me.

Posted in 2012 Election | 3 Comments

Full Details of Romney Tax Plan Posted Online

A new — unofficial — website promises all the details on Mitt Romney’s 5 trillion dollar tax plan. I have to admit that at first glance they do seem to have captured the basic idea rather well.

Further study may be required to grasp all the fine points, though.

Thanks to DF for the pointer!

Posted in 2012 Election, Completely Different | Comments Off on Full Details of Romney Tax Plan Posted Online

Mitt Romney Debates Himself

1.8 million views on YouTube so far for Mitt Romney debates himself:

Indeed, the scariest thing about the guy is his seeming willingness to say anything, everything, to get elected. It’s far beyond the ordinary politician’s pander level. It’s well beyond Nixonian or Rovian. On the national stage, it is in a class by itself.

It also seems to be reasonably effective.

Posted in 2012 Election | Comments Off on Mitt Romney Debates Himself

Final Sears Treadmill Delivery Disaster Post

Where is my treadmill?If you’re here because of the Running in Place, Before the Treadmill Ever Arrived, by David Segal in the New York Times’s Haggler Column, welcome.

To read my treadmill posts in order, just start with the first one, Why I Do Not Have A Treadmill (Sears Can’t Deliver). There’s a link to the next one at the end of each post.

In the days since the treadmill was actually delivered, I got my new receipt for warranty purposes, and I’ve had calls from four different live human non-robotic folks in the Sears delivery/fulfillment/mess-containment hierarchy asking if everything is OK. The last was the most interesting: it was from “Donna” in Sears HQ, who is apparently in charge of straightening out the delivery mess that someone in Sears has figured out they have (she made it sound as if this job predated my experiences). Donna started out by asking me who I had dealt with in a way that suggested something messy would roll downhill; I said most of the people I had dealt with had actually been very nice, they just seemed trapped in an evil system. According to Donna there is a way to stop the robocalls, and she seemed peeved that no one had trained front-line staff in how to do that. And she offered me a $100 gift certificate; perhaps I will have to set foot in Sears to use it, we’ll see.

Donna and I had a long chat, during which I think I learned that the call center operations are going to be repatriated from the Philippines, something I’ve read many other firms are also doing. And Steps Will Be Taken about delivery problems. On the one hand, it seems good that Sears is working on its delivery/fulfillment problems. On the other hand, there was one aspect of the conversation that I found very odd. I asked Donna — purportedly the person in charge of sorting this stuff out — if she’d had a look at the I Hate Sears website. If I were in charge of fixing something, the first thing I’d want to know is what the symptoms were. Donna said she hadn’t been able to bring herself to do that because of the term “hate”. Donna, if you are reading this, you really should go over there and see what all the commentators are complaining about.

Meanwhile, however, here is the full list of my treadmill-related posts:

  1. Why I Do Not Have A Treadmill (Sears Can’t Deliver)
  2. Monday Treadmill Update
  3. Tuesday Sears Update: Important Information About Your Treadmill
  4. On the Treadmill Treadmill
  5. Yup
  6. Sears Can’t Deliver Email Either (Updated)
  7. In Case You Were Wondering
  8. Sears Treadmill Saga Notes
  9. Sears Feels the Power of the Press
  10. A Quick Dispatch from the Treadmill Front
  11. The Grand Finale (Probably)
  12. The Consumerist
  13. Final Sears Treadmill Delivery Disaster Post

PS. While you’re here, look around. I also write about a politics, law, technology, and other things.

Posted in Shopping | 4 Comments